Males and Females

every time i find a girl who i actually enjoy hanging out with we end up bros and otherwise they're just painfully boring to be around (the last girl i went on a date with i seriously had to start every conversation or initiate everything we did because she'd just follow and respond but was pumped for it; it was just her personality). i'm fine with just having friends but it's still pretty ridiculous how they can't possibly be anything else if they're more fun and interesting than a pet rock. sweeping generalizations to the max.
Ah man Enemy242 sounds like you're just not going on dates with the right ladies!

I miss first dates. I love grilling people and getting to know them and developing rapport and inside jokes and enjoying tension. If I could I would go on like four first dates every week.

and yeah Grant the plane tickets aren't refundable, my 2 friends and I got the last three seats on the plane. I fucking hate those parties anyway.
yeah it felt like it was a job interview because i just kept having to make all the conversation and she'd respond in short answers and says she's just like that in general. and then the fun chicks just end up becoming bros. ridiculousness; i don't want to interview chicks for the position of chief executive of dong department, i go out and do stuff to have fun and do interesting crazy things i wouldn't normally do by myself (unless i were schizo).
ice skating, movies (going to the theater alone is kinda weird), shopping at the huge malls in the city, going to alcatraz, japanese tea gardens/botanical gardens, giant indoor trampoline park; things if i did alone people would think i'm a little bit insane
Those all sound super fun. If I'm ever in SF we can go on a 100% guaranteed to be completely fruitless bromance date to the Japanese tea gardens and then puke sencha all over the trampolines.
that'd be pretty legit; the trampoline park i went to before with my friend when she came up from san diego and it was beyond awesome. i've wanted to go back but can't go alone and no one is cool enough to go, damn social norms.
Lots of people hate fun. I thought you were supposed to outgrow the "too uptight to be the first person on the dance floor" thing when you graduated high school.
Enemy242, your love life may be lacking, but it is clear your love affair with semicolons has just begun.

Srsly though, sounds like you have had shitty luck with girls. I too have been on dates where the girl is reserved and quiet and it sucks (makes it really difficult to develop a connection). Some people just don't open up as easy. I normally rely on my sense of humor to get them to drop their defenses a tad, but some people just aren't compatible.

Also what happened with that girl you were excited about asking out from your gym?
Anyone remember the red head I talked about a while ago at work?

Just recently learned she's in a christian rock band.

Had things turned out differently....

Enemy242, your love life may be lacking, but it is clear your love affair with semicolons has just begun.

Srsly though, sounds like you have had shitty luck with girls. I too have been on dates where the girl is reserved and quiet and it sucks (makes it really difficult to develop a connection). Some people just don't open up as easy. I normally rely on my sense of humor to get them to drop their defenses a tad, but some people just aren't compatible.

Also what happened with that girl you were excited about asking out from your gym?

I went out with her and it was ok and i had a decent time but it went on a really long time and was kinda awkward after a while (i could not for the life of me figure out how to get out after 2 and a half hours of this haha). we kinda just went to the mall and talked, got food, she returned something at a store so there wasn't much going on. I asked her out again (ice skating) and never got a response so oh well.

In general it's really just been exactly like i said before in that the girls end up being my bros or are boring as shit and i can't seem to go any path except mega bro adventures or dates that are painfully lame. it's not the end of the world and i'm not freaking out like some of the people i've seen here (who seem to base their lives around how much they fail with girls and trying to fix it) but it gets a bit old after a while.
You're the one that likes Asian chicks right? Can't you just hang around sushi bars and buy the bar girls sake bombs until they fall all over you?
I do love asian girls haha but i'm 20 so that plan doesn't work well. The majority population of the area in SF where I live is asian though so that's not an issue, it's just getting them to go out with a big white dude with long hair thats tough
Oh why did I think you were my age or older? I'm getting old.

That's just silly, I can't think of many better candidates to date than big white dudes with long hair.
Nope I'm just way younger than everyone on forums and I look pretty old haha. I wish asian girls liked white dudes with long hair; i tend to get some looks from girls at college sometimes but i guess it's off putting to be big, hair longer than a lot of girls, facial scruff beard and black jeans (though i don't dress like a metalhead in terms of always band shirts or spikes or any of that, i just like black jeans and whatever shirts i've got)
nope not really balding although I do have a pretty intense big Polish forehead as many people have pointed out haha. it seems like most girls aren't into long hair but i guess i can't blame them since a girl with a buzzcut would probably be a little bit weird to me. oh well.
Anyone remember the red head I talked about a while ago at work?

Just recently learned she's in a christian rock band.

Had things turned out differently....


If I'm understanding correctly, you're not going near that because she is in a Christian rock band? Hey, if she's hot, and not pushy about her Christianity, go for it anyways.

I don't get letting religion get in the way of a possible relationship.
My girlfriend is a Catholic. I believe in a God, but don't identify with a religion.
She goes to church every Sunday. I hate church, so I don't go.

We get along fine over it.