Males and Females

If I'm understanding correctly, you're not going near that because she is in a Christian rock band? Hey, if she's hot, and not pushy about her Christianity, go for it anyways.

I've been in this exact situation before is the thing. I've sat through church and terrible music. I will not subject myself to such a thing ever again.
I could pretty much never date anyone who believes in a god. I couldn't get turned on enough by people who "find God" and tell stories that are highly exaggerated and selective with their logic. Also, the whole "my parents were and I grew up in it and never felt like questioning it" thing is a huge turn-off for me. It's one thing if you consider questioning, but ultimately believe, but it's another thing to not be the least bit skeptical.

I have lots of Christian and Muslim friends, and we debate from time to time, but it doesn't get in the way of our friendship. It is something that would get in the way of a closer relationship for me, however.
I don't really think someone's religious beliefs is a reason not to date them. I see how it could get in the way down the road if she's hardcore christian and you're an atheist, but you won't know until you try.
Besides, plenty of theists practice their beliefs quietly to themselves - not everyone thumps Bibles in the streets wailing about hellfire and damnation, or shouts ALLAH HU AKBAR before auto-immolating. There are moderates and chilled out normal people of all beliefs.
Krampus brings tha truth! The girl I think I might be into (unfortunately not physically) at the moment is pretty Christian, but that's kinda exciting for me I guess. I never dated a Christian girl before, it'd be nice to talk to somebody intelligent and see how their perspectives on life etc. differ from mine because of their religious upbringing or whatever.

I mean if she's really hardline and wants me to go to Church every day or something then I'm sure it wouldn't last long, but even that is no reason to just completely write it off to begin with.

Gotta try everything once in life, except incest and folk dancing, right?
Wait, DG is a Christian?!?!? This just gets better and better. Or is it a different one?

It would also be fun to deadlift her and then bone her in the church basement amirite?
Besides, plenty of theists practice their beliefs quietly to themselves - not everyone thumps Bibles in the streets wailing about hellfire and damnation, or shouts ALLAH HU AKBAR before auto-immolating. There are moderates and chilled out normal people of all beliefs.

I am pretty extremist in my personal views, but extremely reserved in what I share. So your opinion is correct.
I've been in this exact situation before is the thing. I've sat through church and terrible music. I will not subject myself to such a thing ever again.

Well then this specific chick had issues of her own, unrelated to her Christianity. If she was a semi-decent one, she wouldn't have forced you to sit through church, church music, etc.

Not all Christian/religious girls are like the ones you've had bad experiences with though, and you'll never know unless you give it a try. You've got nothing to lose, right? If she tries to force you to go to church with her, just peace the fuck out. Nothing stopping you.

I guess I just don't see the logic in completely shutting out a group of people over a few bad apples.
The longer a relationship goes on; the harder differences in religious outlooks can become. If things escalate to marriage, and potentially children that can be a completely new / different dilemma stemming from the same thing for example.

Sure, it can work with some couples depending on both parties ability to bend and exactly how far reached their beliefs are to each other, but it is something that can cause great stress in relationships and one shouldn't be told they're wrong for looking to avoid that.
The key here is making clear at the very beginning, "Hey, I'm not religious at all, and as a result I'm not okay with being forced to go to church/pressured into your religion/talked down to over my lack of. If you're not okay with that, then let me know now so I don't waste my time, and yours."

Also if it was at the point where marriage was being planned, I would say the same thing. "Hey, I'm not okay with any future kids we may have being baptized and/or forced into your religion... and if you're not willing to come to an agreement/compromise, then peace."
I once had a girlfriend who was a holy roller, except when it came (giggity) to sexual activities. Two words: head monster. Alllriiiight.

I had to dump her ass though once she started naming our future children and asking me about how our wedding was going to be. I was 19, she was 18, and I was in Hawaii surrounded by hot azn beeches. Fuck off with that!

That is all.
The key here is making clear at the very beginning, "Hey, I'm not religious at all, and as a result I'm not okay with being forced to go to church/pressured into your religion/talked down to over my lack of. If you're not okay with that, then let me know now so I don't waste my time, and yours."

Also if it was at the point where marriage was being planned, I would say the same thing. "Hey, I'm not okay with any future kids we may have being baptized and/or forced into your religion... and if you're not willing to come to an agreement/compromise, then peace."

Sounds so simple. Its not.
Aw man. Big hug. Plenty more fish in the sea and all that but I guess it doesn't matter if you just want your one fish back.

I've been thinking about marriage lately since no kidding at least 7 friends proposed/were proposed to over the Christmas/New Year holidays. If you legally marry someone, are you required by law to live together in the same house to receive legal/financial benefits?
I think she wants to get married to some European guy to get her green card.
unknown and CyanideChrist are both right.

I think I'm better off just staying unmarried since I obviously take the institution and idea of marriage SOOO seriously.