Males and Females

This just in:

I got a text from her that asked what was up with the fact that I hadn't kissed her yet.

Looks like the door might have closed. Fuck my life.
Doesn't this just mean that she wants to kiss you? More like your life is awesome.

is it bad that I dont want to just "hook up" with chicks?
No, that seems to be pretty normal.

Honestly Strauss and "The Game" and all that, as corny as it sounds, is a fairly good guidebook. I don't recommend using the "neg" technique of taking nibbles out of a girl's self-esteem (a lot of us will pick up on it and go "lol you negging me? someone's been reading pickup artist manuals") but there are a lot of decent little tidbits that are quite useful.
The idea of negging someone to get them to like you makes me uncomfortable. Trying to lower someone's self-esteem in order to use them for sex is really degrading to that person. Not to mention that it shows that the man feels like a confident woman would not like him. Who would want that other than a man who himself lacks confidence?
Honestly at this point I would just tell her that you're not good at reading signals and then propose something that makes it clear you like her. If she doesn't really like you, mild cluelessness and all, then you're just gonna get used like you said. If she does, then she'll just be happy you like her and she'll give you a shot.
Geez i am sick to death of young males these days!! Had to put up with a whole heap of them yesterday carrying on like a bunch of faggots next door as it was Australia Day!! Newsflash...if you spend an hour or more on your appearance everyday and are male you are NOT Australian!! Fucking bowling shoes and sailors outfits!! What the hell is wrong with these ppl?
haha well I think I fucked things up with a girl I liked irreparably. She wont answer my calls and ignores me on msn and facebook chat. Irl she still says hi and smiles though. Maybe I need to grow some and talk to her about it in person.

I just don't want to rub her any further the wrong way, maybe I should just take aim on another hotty.
is it bad that I dont want to just "hook up" with chicks?

There's nothing wrong with that at all you silly goose! I'm just giving Mike shit because he brings these problems upon himself.

I think cockteasing and spoiling movies/TV finales are two of the most infuriating legal things you can do

You know you're a nerd when you not only say QED, but can spell it out and understand its meaning.
In general...I say don't think or talk about things too more instinctive.

Danny Glover from Death At A funeral quote -"women are smarter than men think they are...but they are not as smart as they think they are.";)
This just in:

I got a text from her that asked what was up with the fact that I hadn't kissed her yet.

Looks like the door might have closed. Fuck my life.

At least now you know exactly what you did wrong for next time. I'd be somewhat relieved if a girl put me out of my misery with a text like that, although perhaps not if I was as into her as you may be to this girl. At least you've now got another concrete example of which actions mean which intentions (although she sounds a bit needy/playing-you-alongy and perhaps not wholly representative of the average girl).
At least now you know exactly what you did wrong for next time. I'd be somewhat relieved if a girl put me out of my misery with a text like that, although perhaps not if I was as into her as you may be to this girl. At least you've now got another concrete example of which actions mean which intentions (although she sounds a bit needy/playing-you-alongy and perhaps not wholly representative of the average girl).

The last sentence is probably pretty accurate. She also has two kids and I have to weigh the possibility of becoming a surrogate father to them for the time being if things get serious. I really don't like most kids so that could be bad.
Never again will I get with a chick who has kids from a previous relationship.It's very hard work and when things go bad they use them as a way to make you feel guilty.Just way too much hard work.Not that i'd ever feel the need to tell someone how to live,just an observation.
Dude, you haven't even kissed the bitch yet and you're already worrying about being her kid's surrogate father? SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Stop over-analyzing shit and just take it step by step ftlog. The fact that she has two kids means she likes to fuck, and since her baby daddy (that always makes me laugh) is MIA means she's probably a nutbar (the texts support this as well), so heed my previous advise and stop being a pussy about it already. Wrap that shit up and dive on in (don't forget your floaties though, her vagine may be deeper than anticipated).