Males and Females

I brought this situation up to some co-workers and they told me to go for it...until I told them she had kids. They said to re-evaluate the situation because of that.
Dude, you haven't even kissed the bitch yet and you're already worrying about being her kid's surrogate father? SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Stop over-analyzing shit and just take it step by step ftlog. The fact that she has two kids means she likes to fuck, and since her baby daddy (that always makes me laugh) is MIA means she's probably a nutbar (the texts support this as well), so heed my previous advise and stop being a pussy about it already; wrap that shit up and dive on in (don't forget your floaties though, her vagine may be deeper than anticipated).

I'll be sure to leave some breadcrumbs so I can find my way out.

I can't help overanalyzing shit. It's the way I process everything.
Totally your call but I'd steer clear for the reasons sloughfeg mentioned. Then again I fucking hate children and realize that not everyone is the same way.

Women who aren't batshit insane don't bring up their new boyfriends/fucktoys to their kids unless shit gets really serious.
Very true krampus...there are way too many loose chicks spitting out kids these days,it's fucking wrong and if they are even a quarter of the mother they should be you will always come second to the kid or kids understandably but this leaves very little time for which to have the relationship you want.
There's a pretty cool chick that just started at my work this past week, and I got to help train her and whatnot. She's really cute, and was quiet at first but then talked a good deal to me the rest of the night. The downside there is only one more day (well, night) where we're scheduled (out of the entire month of February), and thats tomorrow. Depending how things go, I'll probably see if she wants to go out or something.
My best friend is dating an older woman with 2 kids (10 and 14 years old). Now she is pregnant with his kid. It doesn't always have to be "damaged goods" but like Eligos mentioned, I can think of very few success stories that involve getting involved with men or women who already have kids from another relationship...

@Srontgorrth DO IT BE A MAN
The kids might be a barrier to a relationship for ozz, but there's no reason he can't hump it and dump it.
Or do some fwb thing.
Fucking bowling shoes and sailors outfits!!
Probably the sort've clothes that you yourself might wear,friend?!!
Nah fuck it,I won't stop seem like the sort've guy that would love to wear,wait for it!!
Fucking bowling shoes and sailors outfits!!
Mind you there ain't nothing wrong with this look,as long as you're prepared to yell out 'Yeah' and 'WOOH' really loudly from time to time for no apparent reason.
Probably the sort've clothes that you yourself might wear,friend?!!
Nah fuck it,I won't stop seem like the sort've guy that would love to wear,wait for it!!
Fucking bowling shoes and sailors outfits!!
Mind you there ain't nothing wrong with this look,as long as you're prepared to yell out 'Yeah' and 'WOOH' really loudly from time to time for no apparent reason.

U mad?
Krampus...I need your perspective (or anyone elses).
Basically married-couples nite out this coming weekend that I set as far as planning, details etc. The wifes best friend who does not drink that much but is planning to do so this nite...has asked if she could sleep over our house? Mind you, said friend will be solo since her Hubby is out of town. The wife has no problem with her staying but also has thoughts of us driving and dropping her off avoiding any possible awkwardness after hours, our alone time, etc. I also want to be the good responsible guy / husband and offer my hospitality. I honestly have no intentions of anything happening...not a sex romp-around with other people kind of guy. But the thought of our very attractive friend joining us for a so called sleepover has me thinking? I usually let these things play out as the night goes on...but who knows? Wondering if the plans should be to set it strait...not let it happen before the nite even gest started?
Men for some strange reason have this idea that if a woman is at all super friendly with them that it means they (women) just "totally want to get boned". This thought process also applies to instances such as yours.

For fuck's sakes, if a friend of mine asks if he or she can stay over at my place after a fancy dinner/night of drinking, the first thought isn't "holy hell double the sex tonight", it's "well, sure we have a spare bed so yeah I guess it's cool."

Perhaps your wife's friends is a fucking moron when drunk and she doesn't want to deal with her in your house.

The simplicity of the male mind fucking amazes me.
Believe me...the spare bed is / was my (sex) thought all along. Actually, driving her (boobs) home was my first thought. The girl is far from a moron...highly intelligent and attractive AND MARRIED. What amazes me are female best friends and thier (boobs) own minds...who ever knows what the hell they are thinking. Nothing wrong with letting my own mind wonder however...they could have a grand (boobs) plan in the works for all I know?:erk: