Males and Females

That's so gross Cythraul. Has it destroyed the magic of the club for you?

I didn't mean that BJs are given out like candy, but they just seem more impersonal. Obviously I'm not hanging out in the bathroom grabbing dicks while dudes are shaking pee off.
I went to a club were some bitch was stood in the toilet watching me piss. I asked her what she was doing and she had some really guilty facial expression.

I wonder how many men she's shagged in her lifetime.
I've been told by several ladies that BJ's are reserved for men they really like, and are not just a sensual version of a handshake.

Boy I'd like to live in a world where BJ's are like handshakes.
"Nice to meet you! *zip*"

Of course I could see where that could be bad. Like if you're interviewing for a job
"Hi you must be the new applicant! *zip*.......we'll be in touch."
If unknown's world involved me being able to psychicly bend specific girls to my will to do such a thing then I would see that as the perfect world.
So I went to this club tonight and I was having a few drinks, having a pretty good time and then I had to piss. So I went to the bathroom. The bathroom is sort of a unisex bathroom (it's weird; i don't really feel like explaining it.) So I'm taking a piss at one of the urinals and this weird chick comes over and just pushes me up against the urinal and won't let me get away. Then she starts feeling me up in my special areas, like she was rubbing my taint and whatnot. Then she finally gets up and I start to walk out and some dude shows me his camera. He had a picture on there of this girl's vagina. So I guess when this filthy cunt was sexually harassing me the dude was taking pictures of her AIDS-infested twat. Earlier when I walked into the bathroom I saw her and her friend spread eagle and this dude was taking pictures. Gross. Very weird bathroom experience. Those girls are going to regret that someday when they decide to grow up.

^ Gotta love those multiperson unisex bathrooms! :lol:

I had a similar experience at some frat house party but instead the bitch followed me into a stall. I was originally planning on taking a shit, but I gladly held it in. Good thing I didn't have to shit really bad.
I sometimes feel I am being used to provide the attention, caring and affection of a boyfriend without actually being this chick's boyfriend. We are like the exact opposite of friends with benefits. We are like a relationship without benefits. It frustrates me greatly.

I almost hate that I love her so much. Things in my life would be so much easier if I could just get over it, but at the same time I love the feeling of loving someone. Shit. I am a wreck. Being human is so exhausting.
my girlfriend and I have been together for over two years now. first six months it was great. then after a while I noticed she acted less physically interested in me. I confronted her about it, and she said she had fallen out of love with me. the next six months was spent by me trying to do what I could to get into her good graces. Nothing worked and by the end of the first year we were, for all intents and purposes, acting just as friends.

so we broke up and stayed broken up for about five months. then we got back together and it was great at first of course. things seemed to be back to normal. and then it was the same thing, and I confront her about it and she said she was no longer physically attracted to me. now granted, she's really sad and wish she could change how she felt. we've been back together for coming up on five months now. her little reveal was a couple of months ago. and it seems like this relationship is just 100% emotional support. and she is well aware of my thoughts and opinions, and she knows I'm sticking around because I want things to work. but for how long? I don't know.


edit: I suppose it's not two years exactly but whatever