Males and Females

Yeah, that kinda went over my head but I definitely suspected it. If women put their intelligence in the right places maybe they would have had rights a lot quicker and, ya know, invented a thing or two. ;)

Men and women are ultimately good at different things. There's a reason most females eyes glaze over when you start talking about anything technical. Likewise when women start discussing things socially related we guys go off into lala land. Women are good with people, men are good with objects. Neither is more or less important in the grand scheme of things.

EDIT: Fun article in line with this topic.
I can talk about social things if they are negative. Being a misanthrope makes that easy for me.

I seriously don't talk to girls much, let alone flirt, if I'm not interested. Girls and guys aren't meant to be friends. I don't think chicks know how to pick their battles.
Being a misanthrope makes it easier to communicate, as long as you subconsciously treat others like shit and think they are inferior.
I can talk about social things if they are negative. Being a misanthrope makes that easy for me.

I seriously don't talk to girls much, let alone flirt, if I'm not interested. Girls and guys aren't meant to be friends. I don't think chicks know how to pick their battles.

This could be your problem. The absolute worst thing a guy can do for himself is talk to a cute girl at a bar and completely ignore her less-cute friend.

@unknown No ego any more? Fuck that, Stella, get your groove back and find some chick who needs your dick. Wearing nice clothes will help too :D

@Saparmurat That's really fucking sad, but I am in a similar situation right now with a not-too-close friend. He has feelings for me which he mentions occasionally and I say "too bad" and he tells me his life story and I try not to act like I care very much. In my mind those things are meant to be hints: "hey, I'm not very into this friendship." I think he thought of it the same way you did. The other day when I said "you're turning into an addict, how pathetic, well good luck" in response to him telling me he took mental leave from work and was drinking and smoking daily, he absolutely lost his beans and was yelling about being betrayed.

@Cythraul exactly that. I'll keep it to myself. I've made a point to be like "oh I went for a run and had a salad and yogurt for dinner" when he asks how my day was. I have no problem with skinny but I do have a biological preference for the upside down triangle shape in dudes.
You'd dump a chick for asking you to start working out?! hahahaha

Let me ask you a question: If you started dating a skinny hot chick and she became really fat, would you tell her to start working out? And on top of that, would you think it acceptable for her to show you the door for expressing your feelings about her weight gain?

edit: And krampus, the obvious answer here is for you to bring it up as a "couples challenge" if you will. Think of it as a new year's resolution. Tell him you (which is true) want to start working out and think it would be fun if he joined in, kind of a like a threesome. Also, mentioning that you think he'd look extremely sexy with a muscular frame wouldn't hurt either.
Maybe a little. I'll bring it up later but he's going back to America for 3 weeks tomorrow and I have fallen off the wagon entirely with my progress as well after this weekend, so it'll wait. It's not the biggest deal in the world either, but maybe I'll throw in a line about reading a study with a correlation between male musculature and female sex drive.
@Saparmurat That's really fucking sad, but I am in a similar situation right now with a not-too-close friend. He has feelings for me which he mentions occasionally and I say "too bad" and he tells me his life story and I try not to act like I care very much. In my mind those things are meant to be hints: "hey, I'm not very into this friendship." I think he thought of it the same way you did. The other day when I said "you're turning into an addict, how pathetic, well good luck" in response to him telling me he took mental leave from work and was drinking and smoking daily, he absolutely lost his beans and was yelling about being betrayed.

It is fucking sad, because after my initial physical attraction to her wore off, I just wanted a confidant. I mean, it's obvious to anyone that knows me that I love my wife and would never consider leaving her for another woman, so I don't understand why she should be put off out of fear of me being in infatuated with her. Also, I remember you mentioning that guy. Makes me wonder if I also drove her away for the same reasons, because I developed a drug problem (which I have since quelled) while we were friends.
You'd dump a chick for asking you to start working out?! hahahaha

Yes. Well, first I'd say "I'm happy with my body type, so if you can't get over that, then too bad." If she has a problem with my body type and can't possibly live with it, she can go find somebody she's attracted to. Try not to be such a condescending prick, by the way. Not everybody has to act the way you think they should.

Let me ask you a question: If you started dating a skinny hot chick and she became really fat, would you tell her to start working out?


And on top of that, would you think it acceptable for her to show you the door for expressing your feelings about her weight gain?

If it's clear that I can't handle her weight gain and she doesn't want to change, then yes.
I agree with you Cythraul. I think some exercise is worthwhile so as not to look like stick figure, but plenty of ladies like thin men. I have experienced this as have you apparently (more goth club stories please).
KD is the kind of guy intelligent girls with slightly feminist personal beliefs avoid like the plague.

I think the worst I've ever said to MP was "we got fat." As for chicks digging different body types, there's someone for everybody. People who aren't interested in your body type won't pay attention to you and people who think your body is OK/attractive will.

@Saparmurat that could be it. Nothing says "unstable, run" like substance addictions. Glad you're better now though, and it's really nice to hear you're happy in your marriage.

Seriously though I've always wondered, if you're not going to have saplings what is the point of getting married (obvious financial/legal benefits aside)? Seems like a pretty darn archaic institution to me.
So my girlfriend has been reading some of this thread and she finds it amusing.

She asked me if I posted anything in it about us. I told her I said "things are going well." That is certainly the case. She just visited for over a week, and we've had the time of our lives. I'm feeling much more confident about us living together for a year starting in September. For by that time, we'll have been going out for well over two years, and beyond that, who knows, but I won't get ahead of myself.
Seriously though I've always wondered, if you're not going to have saplings what is the point of getting married (obvious financial/legal benefits aside)? Seems like a pretty darn archaic institution to me.

I see myself getting married and never having kids. I think marriage is more about a lasting, stable commitment to one another than to mere procreation. I'm happy just to have a life-long companion.
Symbolic value or not it's kind of silly that people still throw around the phrase "out of wedlock" and put so much weight on marriage. You can be committed and stable without having a piece of paper and some rings. I also think it's absurd that in many states you are required to live together if you get married.

@Zeph did you PORK at your parents' house?
With kids it seems like you fall in love with it the moment you see it moving around in utero (or react with disgust and shriek "GET IT OUT"). Glad to see dads on here who like their saplings. Dads in Japan can be really fucked up and distant, but a lot of them genuinely love their kids but are bad at showing it.
Kids are cool once they can start speaking semi intelligently. But the first few years they're pretty annoying and useless IMO. Though I'm sure a lot of men think similarly. Once you can start tossin the ball with 'em is when dads tend to come into their own. Before that it's more so mom territory.