Males and Females

actually, feminism in its dictionary definition state is just male-female equality. you're thinking of ANDREA DWORKIN et al. most feminists are just like "hey, pay us the same" or "hey, I'm not a washing machine." it's sensationalist reporting that makes everyone think feminism only means radical shit like bra burning and screaming at a chick who brings her male baby to Lilith Faire.

Just because the radical ones may be outspoken, doesn't mean there are more of them.
Why the big fuss about feminists anyway? It's not like anyone listens to them...
Blanket statement/generalization: check

Tip of the iceberg on the mountain of data deadly iceberg that's going to sink the Titanic of Western Civ (at the current rate).

I can say I have been fortunate to find a woman who is happy in her traditional gender role (horror of horrors for the feminist), while all the ardent feminists I know constantly complain about everything in their little world.
actually, feminism in its dictionary definition state is just male-female equality. you're thinking of ANDREA DWORKIN et al. most feminists are just like "hey, pay us the same" or "hey, I'm not a washing machine." it's sensationalist reporting that makes everyone think feminism only means radical shit like bra burning and screaming at a chick who brings her male baby to Lilith Faire.
Thank you for pointing this out. Seeing only the most radical parts of feminism is a way of undermining the very legitimate goals of actual feminism. It's a lot like being against civil rights because of Malcolm X. It's a way of invalidating something that makes you uncomfortable by imagining it at it's most extreme.
Modern activism in first world countries is laughable. We own roughly 85% of the wealth and minimum wage pays more than people make on a daily basis in first world countries. What is there to complain about?
Activism got us to where we are now dipshit. Whether on the part of the disenfranchised (lololol academic jargon) or by The Man fighting on behalf of the disenfranchised.

Feminism isn't just about voting - that was taken care of after Seneca Falls and all that around 1920 - it's also about being taken seriously and not judged by appearance for everything. Read criticism of Hillary Clinton on populist venues like Youtube or blogs. People can't get over her fucking pantsuits and plenty of young men are like "HURR SHE'S AN UGLY HAG." As if being attractive is somehow part of the job description for high level political offices. I know some people will say "well people judge men by their looks too" but only an idiot would try to argue that it's on a scale comparable to how much looks and appearance impact women's social roles.

We still live in a world where the perfect man is rich and powerful and the perfect woman is pretty and fertile, and men and women who deviate from those standards get crapped on and ostracised. Men are designed to kill boars and women are designed to make babies, but since we've already completely overhauled our natural instincts by living in climate controlled houses and driving cars, why not push on some more?
We still live in a world where the perfect man is rich and powerful and the perfect woman is pretty and fertile, and men and women who deviate from those standards get crapped on and ostracised. Men are designed to kill boars and women are designed to make babies, but since we've already completely overhauled our natural instincts by living in climate controlled houses and driving cars, why not push on some more?

Regarding this, read the article I linked last page if you haven't already. It goes into why men are at the top, and it has less to do with any establishment and more to do with the fact that through natural selection males have a larger standard deviation in aptitude (men have the highest and the lowest IQs) and pushes men to engage in risky behavior which tends to either heavily reward or heavily punish them depending on the outcome.

In both cases it creates a situation where men end up at the very top and the very bottom of society. It goes on further to explain that how in many cases this can make men seem better or worse than women (IE number of men in prison vs number of male billionaires) while women as a whole tend to be more similar to one another as from a natural selection perspective that's the "smart" route for the female gender to take.

I'm not saying there may not be some inequality left, but the vast majority I think is explained by this phenomenon.