Males and Females

You explained it better than I ever could, but I totally agree. Sexism is not without its genetic justifications.
Activism got us to where we are now dipshit.

Modern activism in first world countries is laughable. We own roughly 85% of the wealth and minimum wage pays more than people make on a daily basis in first world countries. What is there to complain about?

None of the problems you addressed are anywhere close to the severe problems that happen worldwide. I hardly consider women being referred to as "pretty and sterile" a "problem" let alone something that can even be done about anyway. People don't have the right to not have their feelings hurt. Hate to break it to you. The wage inequalaities and shallowness impacting social roles is unacceptable but there are much larger problems at hand and on a global scale. I personally believe that there aren't problems in this country (and all first world countries) that should be prioritized over gigantic problems that are very apparent if you are willing to look at the bigger picture. That's why I have a problem with modern activism.
I think you missed the point of the article if that's what you're getting out of it.

Culture is not about men against women. By and large, cultural progress emerged from groups of men working with and against other men. While women concentrated on the close relationships that enabled the species to survive, men created the bigger networks of shallow relationships, less necessary for survival but eventually enabling culture to flourish.
Read criticism of Hillary Clinton on populist venues like Youtube or blogs. People can't get over her fucking pantsuits and plenty of young men are like "HURR SHE'S AN UGLY HAG." As if being attractive is somehow part of the job description for high level political offices.

Based on the popularity of Sarah Palin, it's pretty clear that a big portion of the U.S. electorate votes as if that were the case.
None of the problems you addressed are anywhere close to the severe problems that happen worldwide. I hardly consider women being referred to as "pretty and sterile" a "problem" let alone something that can even be done about anyway. People don't have the right to not have their feelings hurt. Hate to break it to you. The wage inequalaities and shallowness impacting social roles is unacceptable but there are much larger problems at hands on a global scale. I personally believe that there aren't problems in this country (and all first world countries) that should be prioritized over gigantic problems that are very apparent if you are willing to look at the bigger picture. That's why I have a problem with modern activism.

Are you actually American? Proper spelling and grammar (and knowing the difference between the First and Third Worlds) is not a party.

In all seriousness though I am perfectly aware that life or death situations are more "urgent" and "severe" than ironing out social wrinkles in a society that is doing well for itself. What gigantic problems are you talking about? I understand that complacency is running rampant in our generation and most people are sick of hippies and activists, but someone's got to point out that we're not perfect yet. There's nothing wrong with trying to improve what we have at home, especially via activism since it doesn't sap all our funds like wars and sending aid abroad do. While activists may just be yelling and screaming to you, they raise points that lots of people never think about. It's up to you whether to dismiss or acknowledge what they say. Also, there will be activists until the end of the world in every society not in a food crisis, because if everyone sat around being completely complacent about politics we would stagnate and go insane.

Finally, you missed the point of what I was saying, but I'm not surprised.
You explained it better than I ever could, but I totally agree. Sexism is not without its genetic justifications.

I don't think the article supports sexist behavior so much as simply explains why things are how they are. The slate could be artificially wiped clean and everyone could receive an equal playing field and be treated exactly the same and the differences between men and women, or even the strengths and weaknesses of various races would still stratify society in a way not even dependent on how we treat one another, but simply naturally segregating various people into areas of society where their group tends to excel in aggregate.
No I did not. There isn't necessarily a problem with activism in and of itself but if people honestly think we have it bad enough in this country that we need to put our compassion and caring into tiny (yes, I said tiny) social inequalities than they truly are ignorant and foolish.

OK, we'll put a "bigger problem" into a perspective relevant to the argument. There are certain South American countries where it is legal to kill your wife if she insults you. Sorry but I find that little fact much more fucked up than Hillary Clinton being considered an "ugly hag" (freedom of speech mind you) and worthy of putting a little more activism into.
Are you sure that's South America, bro? Give me a link or something. o_O Even if it were the governments and police in South America are extremely corrupt, so how would you plan on helping them?

If you're talking about taking out the Taliban via snipers in Central Asia I'm all for that.

You can trivialize feminism until the cows come home party boy but you're still dependent on women for happiness. :D
No I did not. There isn't necessarily a problem with activism in and of itself but if people honestly think we have it bad enough in this country that we need to put our compassion and caring into tiny (yes, I said tiny) social inequalities than they truly are ignorant and foolish.

OK, we'll put a "bigger problem" into a perspective relevant to the argument. There are certain South American countries where it is legal to kill your wife if she insults you. Sorry but I find that little fact much more fucked up than Hillary Clinton being considered an "ugly hag" (freedom of speech mind you) and worthy of putting a little more activism into.

There are billions of people in the world, they don't all need to focus on the same thing at the same time. Why do you think there are so many different organizations working for different things? Just because one thing is a bigger problem than another, doesn't mean that the other isn't still a problem.
There are billions of people in the world, they don't all need to focus on the same thing at the same time. Why do you think there are so many different organizations working for different things? Just because one thing is a bigger problem than another, doesn't mean that the other isn't still a problem.

Do you understand how large 85% of the wealth is? Yes people have the right to work on different things but I also have the right to say that most modern activism in this country is a fucking stupid waste of time and for ungrateful and selfish people. I honestly think that people become activists and protest because they have it so well off in this country that they need something to complain about. Yes there are problems in the US but none that are so drastically effecting the social lives of its citizens that they are worthy of being acted upon over people in unacceptably shitty conditions.
What a titanic twat. I'd love to see you go back in time to tell blacks that time shouldn't be wasted on freeing slaves or giving them the right to vote because there are bigger problems.
The problem with activist organizations is that to succeed means an end to relevance (read:funding), which is why none of them ever do/will succeed. There is too much money to be made off human suffering and the guilting of those not involved.
I'd love to see you develop some form of reading comprehension and realize that I said I had a problem with MODERN activism.

@ Valerie
What a titanic twat. I'd love to see you go back in time to tell blacks that time shouldn't be wasted on freeing slaves or giving them the right to vote because there are bigger problems.

Not to undermine your arguments, but there were much bigger economic and political reasons regarding slavery that the Civil War addressed than petty humanitarian impulses.