Males and Females

My input to this thread.

Oh, first of all, congratz Zeph, I saw the heart on facebook and also making up in elevator makes the waiting for your floor a lot shorter (if you didn't just go to the first one ;) ).

Well anyways, guys know that I've been into horsechick for some time and then started w/ the polish chick, who is her good friend. Horsechick completely stopped seeing me to "not mess things up", we're not even in contact anymore. Her man apparently still verily "dislikes" me though I don't even know him ffs. Few days back we were together, us three, after a long time, on some sort of ball and then went to a club. It really makes me angry in retrospective how horsechick acted. I touched her friendly like two times (and when I mean friendly, I mean w/out any sexual content, I would touch you guys like this and I'm no homo) and when I did, she started shouting at me to stop. This is really obnoxious and selfish imo, because I would never hit on her in front of my girl and I would definately not hit on her this way (and she hopefully knows that from her own experience).

She now keeps asking my girl if she didn't have trouble because of her. What the shit. I mean, they don't seem to understand that threesome (that's what I want to do w/ them) is something different. It's so hard to manage when you know both the girls so good. I mentioned it like twice in the club (half fun of some sort really, though I would really like it). I just came off as a total idiot, but I didn't really do anything. Horsechick then landed us keys of her man's flat which is totally absurd and it felt really weird being there. I once sent a message to hc at 10:30pm and they were fighting over it for three days. He really doesn't like my ass haha.

Otherwise it's all good. I just find it interesting how the two girls keep acting. I'm weird myself I guess but there's this cold logic behind my acts. Cold beer. Beer. Cigs. Beer.
Apparently the Facebook status really pissed off my ex.

Fuck her.

I've had enough of her being a complete bitch, and I won't let her be a cause of anxiety for me anymore. I've had it. I deleted her "BFFL's" from Facebook because they were always the wrench in the gears of my last relationship.

Liberation. FUCK YEAH
Went over the girl's house last night, met her family and stuff. We went out to eat and I picked up the tab obviously, but I jokingly said that I only left a 17% tip and she said something like "you're obviously a horrible boyfriend." So at that point I was like "boyfriend?" in my head.

Then we hung out in her room and laid around and made physical contact and stuff but didn't kiss (she didn't really give me any openings, perhaps she doesn't kiss on the first date). We then watched the first episode of the new Borgias series (which was great) and I left pretty awkwardly because I was waiting for something magical to happen that never ended up happening. She gave me a pretty long hug and waited for me to get home to go to sleep.

Not really sure how that went at all, honestly. Sort of worried or something?

It sort of sucks because, honestly, we have a TON of the same interests. Like, I made a Fallout joke and she picked up on it and kept it going. She also has a delightfully morbid and amusing sense of humor, and she's very intelligent. But I can't really tell if we are going to continue to date, if we're "official" or anything. :erk:
Don't worry, she may not have wanted to seem too eager or something; just make sure you talk to her again soon. Call to tell her you had a good time. Reading this thread is making me all tingly on the inside.

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Went over the girl's house last night, met her family and stuff. We went out to eat and I picked up the tab obviously, but I jokingly said that I only left a 17% tip and she said something like "you're obviously a horrible boyfriend." So at that point I was like "boyfriend?" in my head.

Then we hung out in her room and laid around and made physical contact and stuff but didn't kiss (she didn't really give me any openings, perhaps she doesn't kiss on the first date). We then watched the first episode of the new Borgias series (which was great) and I left pretty awkwardly because I was waiting for something magical to happen that never ended up happening. She gave me a pretty long hug and waited for me to get home to go to sleep.

Not really sure how that went at all, honestly. Sort of worried or something?

It sort of sucks because, honestly, we have a TON of the same interests. Like, I made a Fallout joke and she picked up on it and kept it going. She also has a delightfully morbid and amusing sense of humor, and she's very intelligent. But I can't really tell if we are going to continue to date, if we're "official" or anything. :erk:

I hate when stuff like that happens, its so fucking annoying :lol: and the whole her saying boyfriend just makes it all the more confusing... I guess I wouldn't be sure how it went at all either.

Anyways been hanging out a bit with this really cool girl, we and a friend went to the park drank and hung out and stuff, and we laid down and cuddled on the grass and so on, and like held hands and stuff. The next day we hang out a bunch more and had a good time, but long story short, basically she's still not over her ex and whatnot... blah :erk:

Oh and congrats to Zeph!
WAIF: Hate fuck that broad into oblivion for me. She's pretty cute irl but deserves something for making me sit through her dreadful band twice before seeing veteran acts.
I'm pretty dubious about the whole thing, my gf is kind of ridiculous and just suggests silly things all the time. But I'd be down and yeah her band fucking sucks.
@Patrick: I asked her how she felt about the time we spent together when I got home along with a few other things in a text and she specifically didn't reply to the "how did you think tonight was?" part. I was kind of put off by that. I went into school (student union where she hangs out with a bunch of friends who I am now also friendly with) to see her today; we had texted eachother "good morning!" a little earlier, so I figured we were off to a good start. When I got in, she didn't even say hi to me, hardly talked to me at all and was pretty much busying herself with her phone/laptop the whole time.

I got bored and irritated of sitting there without her acknowledging any of the night before, or really acknowledging me, so I left without saying goodbye and went home. :( I think I probably just ruined it; I'll be surprised if she talks to me again, really.

It's just fucking annoying to hear her call me her boyfriend and then not really go anywhere with it. It is possible she doesn't want a relationship, I guess, but she did say that so I just don't know what the fuck. :zombie: No comprende.

edit: she just texted me because I said I was sorry I left so suddenly. She responded saying "it's okay, I definitely need to get to know you better. I'm not the type to date after only knowing someone for a short time. I'm perfectly happy being single so I'm in no rush. You're a nice guy but I barely know you yet *smiley face*."

Its not the end of the world man, just gotta put forth a little bit of effort. Any chick worth a damn is worth the effort :p
@Patrick: I asked her how she felt about the time we spent together when I got home along with a few other things in a text and she specifically didn't reply to the "how did you think tonight was?" part. I was kind of put off by that. I went into school (student union where she hangs out with a bunch of friends who I am now also friendly with) to see her today; we had texted eachother "good morning!" a little earlier, so I figured we were off to a good start. When I got in, she didn't even say hi to me, hardly talked to me at all and was pretty much busying herself with her phone/laptop the whole time.

I got bored and irritated of sitting there without her acknowledging any of the night before, or really acknowledging me, so I left without saying goodbye and went home. :( I think I probably just ruined it; I'll be surprised if she talks to me again, really.

It's just fucking annoying to hear her call me her boyfriend and then not really go anywhere with it. It is possible she doesn't want a relationship, I guess, but she did say that so I just don't know what the fuck. :zombie: No comprende.

edit: she just texted me because I said I was sorry I left so suddenly. She responded saying "it's okay, I definitely need to get to know you better. I'm not the type to date after only knowing someone for a short time. I'm perfectly happy being single so I'm in no rush. You're a nice guy but I barely know you yet *smiley face*."


That sucks... Maybe she means boyfriend in like some literal sense or something - people use different words in different ways and it can be confusing. Well, good luck with it.
My reading of it was just that she meant you as a boyfriend in general - not to her, but in any relationship. Just take it slow, if you're interested. She might have been pulling back because she thought you were pushing a little too fast.
I think Andy was just jumping into some irrelevant conclusions because of that one little sentence. Just go out like five more times and see what's up Vee. And then post pictures.
I jokingly said that I only left a 17% tip and she said something like "you're obviously a horrible boyfriend." So at that point I was like "boyfriend?" in my head.

Relationship guru entrance:

When she gives you openings like that you should take advantage from now on; joking that "you're obviously a horrible boyfriend" is an open invitation to start flirting. She's expecting you to say something like "Boyfriend, huh?" or "Well, a good girlfriend would be supportive of my decisions," or something stupid but effective, ya naw mean brah?

You had the right reaction in your head, but voice it with a particular sarcastic tone. Just being silent might give the impression that you don't get her humor, or get incredibly nervous by the prospect of having a "girlfriend" (ewwwwww).

Of course, I could be wrong about all of this, and you may very well have said something fucking hilarious and she could just be a crazy bitch. Who knows? Females man, they have vaginas n' shit.
Nah, I just took it as an invitation to be somewhat physical, like to put my arm around her and shit. She seemed to be fine with that.

We'll see what happens I guess. It's a little early in the game to really judge, but I doubt it will work out. I mean, she seriously said she doesn't date people she doesn't know too well, but she also told me she likes me and listed reasons why she does, asked ME for MY phone number, and when I told her I was going to dinner with my friends last Friday she said "is it weird that I sort of wish I were there?" She invited me over her house, we got along really well, we went on a "date" and now she's saying she doesn't date people she doesn't know well? WTF
Zeph - enjoy your newfound freedom ;)

V5 - girls suuuck. I read your posts and IMHO think she is of either A or B mindset

A: She ultimately wants to get with you and date, but she wants you to challenge her by being aloof and hard-to-get and play some games first. Maybe being a little mean, a little unavailable would draw her in.

B: She likes the validation of hanging out with a guy who's interested, but doesn't want a relationship. Will keep flirting/sending mixed signals to keep you hooked. Friendzone cycle. Evacuate the premises.

Where is ~DEREK~ for all this?!
Nothing worse than mixed signals dude, I feel your pain. Is she worth pursuing further? That's the question you've gotta ask yourself.

Not many girls these days seem to pass that test for me. Maybe I'm turning homo.

edit: also what krampus said.
V5 - girls suuuck. I read your posts and IMHO think she is of either A or B mindset

What are these mindsets you speak of? I am unaware of them tbh.

I asked her out for a coffee date though and she said "I'd like to go out for coffee." Yes, she is worth going after but she is fine being single so I'm not sure how to treat it. I'll probably just leave it as an innocuous thing until it perhaps develops into something. Maybe visit her at home more, making her parents like me, becoming closer with her, etc. if she'll let me. I need to stress to her that I would like to "take my time" too and not rush things, but I also don't appreciate being friend-zoned and still "paying" for dates (I care more about the symbolism of paying than the actual money, though, tbh).