Males and Females

I should clarify that she was the one who left me, and made the mistake of assuming we could continue as good friends and help each other out so soon after breaking up. Preposterous.
I should clarify that she was the one who left me, and made the mistake of assuming we could continue as good friends and help each other out so soon after breaking up. Preposterous.

Thus, staying friends with exes remains a rare achievement. It's difficult to be around someone you care (or used to care) about while he or she goes on to see other people.
I realized the other day after reading this thread and replying to a bunch of different comments made here (which I didn't post obviously) that I've lost confidence in my advice and am totally bewildered by my own situation. I used to think I had all of the answers when it comes to beginning and maintaining a relationship, but all that shit went out the window for me on March 10th. Every notion I had was preconceived and turned upside down and since then any time I attempt to comment on someone else's situation I find myself completely lost in my answer because it's completely contradictory to how I'm feeling and how my situation is playing out.

/deep shit
Wow this thread is like a metalheads' group therapy session. Underneath all that long hair and that loud angry music we listen to, we're sensitive fragile souls.

So true.

I don't have these issues though. I'm happy being single and not worrying about shit. I just want to graduate university.
had sex with my favorite french girl last night, and afterwards just making convo, i asked what she did during the weekend. turns out she'd seen Sucker Punch and i'm like "vraiment? moi aussi!" and we had a cool chat in french about how awesome the movie was. she even mimicked Baby Doll wielding the katana and gun, she's really sweet.
You realize, of course, that what she was actually doing was taking it up the ass from some cretin with gonorrhea.

Anyway, I'm sort of unsure of what to think of this. It was such a long time ago, don't you think she could begin to forgive me? I've done so much for her, and yet she doesn't trust me. How can you love someone you don't fucking trust? ffs
I got into my current relationship fairly soon after my last breakup and my girlfriend was kind of uncertain about how I felt towards my ex and towards her. Just sit down and address the issue directly; tell her you know she's worried about that, but that you only have feelings for her and blah blah blah gay mushy crap. Look her deeply in the eyes and do the puppy-dog thing. If that doesn't work, you probably ought to reconsider the relationship.

Would guys date, or even try to get to know, a former drug addict and overall bad person who allegedly has 'changed'?
Hell fucking no.

In other news, close call today:
Apparently my new girlfriend found out I had changed my relationship status on Facebook (which basically just said "in a relationship" since she's not on FB) and that it surprised her a bit, because she thought we were taking it slow. I had to very carefully explain how I interpreted how we were as in "what I call a relationship, but in the beginning stages, and that has no bearing on the pace at which it goes."

She also found out about how my ex thinks that my new girlfriend is "a rebound" and "a homewrecker" so I had to refute that by appealing to the mentors I have been talking to, who assure me that this girl chose me and whether I move on in my life now or later makes no difference. What's important is that I'm happy.

Girlfriend just texted me saying "you're a good thing in my life," so I think that settles that.

In other news, my ex sent an email today saying that she talked to her counselors and, though she phrased it to make the situation look as much my fault as possible, told me that she will not put any more emotional investment in me. Essentially, friendship = dead. Well she's interpreting it all wrong, but in practice she is doing what I explained to her last night what was the right thing to do.

I hope to talk to my ex just once more, because of the reality of us living together most likely all the way till August.
I think I'm giving up on my stuff, guise. Chick hasn't talked to me all day. Really unsure of what the fuck I did wrong but I can't continue to put any mental or emotional investment in someone who came on as strongly as I came on and then slammed on the breaks. What a bitch.
Sorry to hear that, Andy. I thought we both were getting our big break at once. I suppose you learned something, I hope.

When Grant is in Boston we should all hang.
Sorry to hear that, Andy. I thought we both were getting our big break at once. I suppose you learned something, I hope.

I thought so too :lol: Oh well, I knew it was too good to be true.
edit: Honestly, I'm kind of glad it didn't go anywhere. I'm not sure how it would've gone; I'm an art major with no idea what I actually want to do, and I graduate in a month and a half, and she is a history major who wants to go to the UK for grad school. Probably would've been weird. She's cool and all but I also get the feeling she's probably fucked in the head; I tend to get attracted to people like that :(