Males and Females

Hez how's DG?!

V5 - next time you go out don't offer to pay. Easy solution. If she looks annoyed or surprised, she's probably more interested than you think...

Mindsets, I posted them...

A: She ultimately wants to get with you and date, but she wants you to challenge her by being aloof and hard-to-get and play some games first. Maybe being a little mean, a little unavailable would draw her in.

B: She likes the validation of hanging out with a guy who's interested, but doesn't want a relationship. Will keep flirting/sending mixed signals to keep you hooked. Friendzone cycle. Evacuate the premises.
Oh, totally didn't notice that :lol:

Honestly, it kind of doesn't seem worth it, tbh. I'll give it a shot though if we go out again. Thanks.
Where is ~DEREK~ for all this?!

I'm gonna take a wild guess at either:

a) buried in a shallow grave in brazil because that mystery internet chick he was after was connected

b) in jail for stalking/harassment/molestation\/etc
My ex is going off the deep end. She told me my new girlfriend was basically all the good things about herself with none of the shitty problems and radical worldviews that my ex has, and that I'm a shitty person for having abandoned her so quickly because today I took a stand and said I was no longer going to be a part of dealing with her problems.

I basically stood there and took all this and felt little guilt. It was so different than how things were before. She said we could never be friends now. Well so be it. I can't deal with her anymore and I never should have tried to be in her life at this time when she has so many other shitty things going down in her life.

Context: my ex and I live in the same house. Lease expires in August.

My close friends and mentors are on my side. I deserve to move on and be happy and I feel liberated from the emotional tyranny my ex has held sway over me the past two years.

I feel awesome. Hell fucking yeah.
Sorry to hear that, she seemed nice when I met her but then I guess so did my ex...Women can be fucking insane. It's understandable why she's pissed and you did move on kinda fast but you have a fucking right to and she shouldn't let it bother her so much. If she was seriously spewing that shit it's good you let her know where you stand. Just get the fuck out of there as soon as you can...
had sex with my favorite french girl last night, and afterwards just making convo, i asked what she did during the weekend. turns out she'd seen Sucker Punch and i'm like "vraiment? moi aussi!" and we had a cool chat in french about how awesome the movie was. she even mimicked Baby Doll wielding the katana and gun, she's really sweet.
had sex with my favorite french girl last night, and afterwards just making convo, i asked what she did during the weekend. turns out she'd seen Sucker Punch and i'm like "vraiment? moi aussi!" and we had a cool chat in french about how awesome the movie was. she even mimicked Baby Doll wielding the katana and gun, she's really sweet.

I have nothing against buying whores, but I just never felt the need to. How much does your average one cost you including all that fun in bar and smoothie talkie about movies so it doesn't feel awkward?

EDIT: Are you the asian guy who buys EU prostitutes right?
My ex took an absolute conniption fit at me on Saturday over Facebook, after I told her to come to my place sometime and get the rest of her shit that I still had. She went off on some long crazy spiel about "oh, it's not like you even love me anymore anyway... it's obvious and everyone [basically, her parents] can see that you like someone else".

I basically ended up telling her "no shit, I don't love you anymore. I mean, I did still after the break-up, and was pretty upset afterwards... but with you acting like a psycho child, not a chance. I've even told you I don't intend to get back with you again, so why don't you move the hell on?"

Like, why does she still seem to be under the impression that I have to answer to her? The fuck?

What I find weirder is the fact that this "someone else" she was speaking of, was the 16-year-old chick. The hell? I can count the number of times I've talked to this girl on one hand, and it's only over Facebook. It's not even like I intend to pursue it... but how she knows, is completely beyond me.
My girlfriend of 15 months called me in the middle of the night to bring up something that happened last February where I went out with my ex on her and we kissed. I didn't tell her and she ended up finding out through her friend in like May and now she lets me know she doesn't trust me -and hasn't- since then.

I mean, I know I fucked up. But it's my fault for jumping into a relationship so soon after breaking up with my ex. I still loved her at the time, but you still don't trust me now because of it? It was a fucking kiss for Christ's sake.

Anyway, I'm sort of unsure of what to think of this. It was such a long time ago, don't you think she could begin to forgive me? I've done so much for her, and yet she doesn't trust me. How can you love someone you don't fucking trust? ffs
Meanwhile, have fun until August.

Oh I will ;). It's not like I don't realize that, but if I take a stand now, the quicker she'll learn to back the fuck off.

And the way she's going, who knows if she'll even stay here this summer (she may go home to Salem). I certainly don't have to be here most of June and August, and will be working pretty intensely during July.

The only risk is that she'll go all Medea on me and sabotage my new relationship (she's already slaughtering our friendship, our allegorical children), but she's not that shitty a person to do that, and my new girlfriend is not the kind of person who would be persuaded by such evil counsel.
Zephyrus have you told her you left her cuz she's butt-ugly? and the new one (we can assume) is attractive?

While this would be the truth, I would never say anything so hurtful to her. I don't have any ill feelings toward my ex, instead I have no feelings, and she finds that hurtful in and of itself.