Males and Females

On my first date with my ex I told her I can't deal with bossy women, so she said "oh well... I better not be like that then" and she wasn't. That's how you do it.
You should pull the Rick card and say, "Shut the fuck up already would you? You dumped me remember? GET OVER IT!" And then walk away, like a boss.

Did you do that? I hope you're feeling slightly more peace of mind about all that stuff.

I think Zeph already said that and that's why she's losing her beans.

Sorry for the Dakryn-esque combo breaker but I kind of want to marry MP sometimes these days. But I know I really just want a goofy wedding and am not interested in cohabitation or anything, so I'll repress those urges.
yarly (and don't you say nowai). and I am one of the most selfish people I've ever met, which says something. I do believe MP is more valuable as a human contribution to planet earth than I am.

edit: but even Greys > Zeph's ex at this point, woof
Did you do that? I hope you're feeling slightly more peace of mind about all that stuff.

No I didn't do that to Ashley. I did pull that card on my previous two girlfriends though and I haven't heard a fucking peep out of either of them. Fuck yea :cool:

edit: My story got twisted a bit so let me clarify. My girlfriend prior to Ashley cheated on me but wanted to be a jealous psychobitch when I came back home from the Marine Corps with some sweet Hawaiian arm candy. The only reason I was subjected to seeing her stupid face was due to my friends being desperate losers who were trying to get her drunk and fuck her, to which I said go for it bros. She went on some drunken tirade while I was there with Ashley about how we shouldn't be together or something so I just stood up in front of everyone and railed into her. She cried the rest of the night and I totally cockblocked the rest of my friends because she bailed shortly afterward which was a double win for me.
Good for you, she's probably either grown the fuck up or killed herself/become morbidly obese because of what happened that night.
She is the Classics prof at UMaine and I am her protege. We're very close. But she is also qualified in counseling.

My friends are going to try to hold an intervention session with Stephanie tomorrow night (with me absent) and tell her to back the fuck off. If she refuses, we will get authorities involved.

Holy shit man. You definitely have a longer temper than I; were I in that situation, I'd probably have lost my temper and said some very uncouth things. :V
Was she drunk?

A little bit, probably high too. Not an excuse, though.

You should pull the Rick card and say, "Shut the fuck up already would you? You dumped me remember? GET OVER IT!" And then walk away, like a boss.

I am on the brink of saying that all the time, but I know that whatever I say is only going to fuel her shit. I am saying nothing to her besides "Hello", "Good morning," "thank you," and "you're welcome." But even that is hard. Just a minute ago I came out of the bathroom this morning and she was there. I said "good morning" and she replied "I hate you." Well geez.
I've calmed down a bit and we actually exchanged some texts because we have to deal with administrative stuff to do with the juggling club. It seems she's trying to act normal, but I really can't be near her till I get a sincere apology for those threats.
I hate to be the star of the show in this thread lately, but shit is about to get real.

I told said Classics professor today about the threats, and read them to her. She said it was mandatory that she report them to the dean of Stephanie's college. For it turns out that ever since her "episode" in Uganda, there has been a special committee who's only job is to keep an eye on her to make sure she stays safe. I was told that it was a good thing I reported the threats, because if something violent happened and people knew about all this, imagine the guilt and culpability that nothing was done about grave premonitions of something serious.

That's what I just heard, and have no idea what kind of actions will be taken from here. All I know is that this is out of my hands and that there are people out there looking out for my well-being.
I hate to be the star of the show in this thread lately, but shit is about to get real.

I told said Classics professor today about the threats, and read them to her. She said it was mandatory that she report them to the dean of Stephanie's college. For it turns out that ever since her "episode" in Uganda, there has been a special committee who's only job is to keep an eye on her to make sure she stays safe. I was told that it was a good thing I reported the threats, because if something violent happened and people knew about all this, imagine the guilt and culpability that nothing was done about grave premonitions of something serious.

That's what I just heard, and have no idea what kind of actions will be taken from here. All I know is that this is out of my hands and that there are people out there looking out for my well-being.

Does it make me a bad person to think this is hilarious? ah fuck it :lol:

Dude, what the fuck is her problem man? Tell her to smoke some dope or something or take some sort of depressant to calm that bitch down. I mean, she's a goddamn perfect case of psychobitch that was just waiting to unleash the fury on you at some point. Was she like this at all when you were actually dating?
Does it make me a bad person to think this is hilarious? ah fuck it :lol:

Dude, what the fuck is her problem man? Tell her to smoke some dope or something or take some sort of depressant to calm that bitch down. I mean, she's a goddamn perfect case of psychobitch that was just waiting to unleash the fury on you at some point. Was she like this at all when you were actually dating?

Oh, she smokes plenty of dope and drinks fairly often, too. They have only made her worse.

This never happened when we dated because I never stood up to her shit. Rather I surrendered each time in abject self-pity as a defense mechanism to make problems go away. It did a huge number on my self-esteem. A week ago, a month after we broke up, I finally stood up, and she can't handle it. But her problems go MILES beyond this issue, it seems.