Males and Females

I don't really know if this is the right thread, but none of the other ones seem to fit. My best friend (and minor celebrity - he's an interviewer for a zine and semi-pro drummer) has been battling this cunt he knocked up 4 years ago for joint custody - not primary - of his son. She will not let the poor guy near him, apparently because she does not want the child exposed to his controversial beliefs (he's a former member of the Church of Satan, now he's just an atheist). She also claims that the child has somehow gotten PTSD and cannot handle the disruption of my friend entering the boy's life (the kid is 3). Anyway, these are all the reasons she keeps using, with the help of her lawyer, in the civil case to keep him away from his son. What I want to know is, even though this is a civil case, how can she legally do this?
So my lady-friend mentioned the possibility of a kid today. I think it's time to start running and not stop till I reach the border.
As in, she is flushing her birth control pills down the toilet? In what context was said kid mentioned? Wear condoms if you aren't already doing so dude, she might not agree to get an abortion if there's an accident.
She's not on birth control, and she doesn't want a baby now, but...she's 23. Biology dictates she absolutely will want one within 4-5 years. Quite possibly sooner than that, given that in the last 8 months or so she's gone from "I will never have a baby ever" to "maybe someday," and also how she keeps managing to bring this shit up despite me telling her to shut the fuck up about it.
Should probably date women my own age.
Fuck I'm be scared shitless if a girl mentioned babies. Keep that shit away for ten years or so please.
So folks, I'm single again, and not unhappy about it.

The girl told me she wasn't feeling it anymore and thought it best we stop. We almost ended things a few days ago but I insisted we keep going since it seemed to soon. But that was mainly so that when it happened again for good, I'd be prepared for it.

And here's why. She was way too religious for me. I was willing to put up with her beliefs, but they affected too much of how she conducted her life that I felt I was competing with Jesus for her heart. I'm looking for intimate companionship in my life, and that can't happen when she already sees that in her imaginary friend. She also likes Glenn Beck and doesn't believe in evolution. She's also miles below me intellectually. There wasn't really much we had in common besides good looks, and she stopped being attracted to me (apparently she's had a ton of week-long relationships/sudden crushes like this) and I was disappointed in being led on by her to no intimate consummation. Now sex doesn't make or break the deal, but anyone who views it as sinful has a view of it very alien to my own.

That said, I don't regret the experience. It really helped me move on in my life, adjust to being single, and now my standards in women are all the more higher and I'm confident I can find somebody else and no longer live in fear of being "forever alone."
No boning? On what planet do you live where that's not a dealbreaker? Good thing you got out of it. And...Glenn Beck? Seriously?
No boning? On what planet do you live where that's not a dealbreaker?

It wasn't completely precluded, but we would have probably had to have been together way longer before she'd consider it. She would have had to fall in love with me first, basically. Well, if she wants to stay a virgin that's her loss.

I was OK with this relationship being celibate because I knew it probably wouldn't have worked out. I just wanted some companionship and affection to help me transition from an involved, 2-year relationship to being single. If it were to develop any further, great, but I'm not crestfallen by this result.
In my rather limited experience, a one night stand is fun but afterward will leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled, whereas a relationship without sex can work for a little while. But any real relationship absolutely has to involve both sex and companionship, imo. Just doesn't work, otherwise.
So folks, I'm single again, and not unhappy about it.

The girl told me she wasn't feeling it anymore and thought it best we stop. We almost ended things a few days ago but I insisted we keep going since it seemed to soon. But that was mainly so that when it happened again for good, I'd be prepared for it.

And here's why. She was way too religious for me. I was willing to put up with her beliefs, but they affected too much of how she conducted her life that I felt I was competing with Jesus for her heart. I'm looking for intimate companionship in my life, and that can't happen when she already sees that in her imaginary friend. She also likes Glenn Beck and doesn't believe in evolution. She's also miles below me intellectually. There wasn't really much we had in common besides good looks, and she stopped being attracted to me (apparently she's had a ton of week-long relationships/sudden crushes like this) and I was disappointed in being led on by her to no intimate consummation. Now sex doesn't make or break the deal, but anyone who views it as sinful has a view of it very alien to my own.

That said, I don't regret the experience. It really helped me move on in my life, adjust to being single, and now my standards in women are all the more higher and I'm confident I can find somebody else and no longer live in fear of being "forever alone."

Just find some cunt.
so does the ex know?

Probably not, since she went to Salem for the weekend.

It probably won't matter to her when she finds out. The fact that I got into a relationship is what she went apeshit at and I doubt it will alter her opinion of me any better. I'm becoming more convinced my ex was still in love with me when I found this new girl. It might explain the psychosis.