Males and Females

:lol: WAIF, that was a little mean. Everyone can get a girl, it just depends on how socially adequate they are or they could be.

Yes, but between his personality and his looks his odds are pretty goddamn low. Nothing personal, I'm pretty sure this is the same thought process he went through when deciding whether to drop $500 on a better wardrobe or a romantic evening with Dulce Soggo.

Wait until you've had sex and you'll know the difference. Masturbation just isn't enjoyable anymore these days.

Lies. Jill keeps me warm at night.
Well sex is better than masturbation, I can at least think of anything I want and focus on uh well stuff when I do masturbate. I masturbate here and there even though I have sex regularly. No reason to stop loving myself. lol
Um, what would it cost me for you to pick up a nice bottle of French wine and ship it to me? I've been salivating at the idea of getting my hands on a bottle of something rare from l'un des meilleurs établissements vinicoles dans le monde. Dieu merci pour le traducteur google.

That could be arranged. Not sure what postage would cost though. It might end up cheaper to source it from a boutique wine distributor in the US. What kind of wine are you thinking? I'm not much of an authority on the reds but I do know my champagne if that interests you. I lived in that region and worked with a guy who runs a champagne bar, and did plenty of tasting. I could get an excellent bottle from a lesser known vigneron for about 20euro, a bottle of the big name stuff (Moet, Veuve Cliquot, Mercier etc) for about 25-30euro, or the real duck's nuts of the mass produced champagnes for between 50-80 euro. Of course if you're talking about something "rare" that could mean anything from 80 upwards.
There's a food market with a huge wine selection across the street from me. Shipping something ground from here to Indy is around 15 bucks, so I'm sure you should try that option first.
well hey now, no male model but i dont look that bad, here's one of me chillin in a club... you are right about the personality and thought process tho.

Fair enough. I was going by the picture mort posted, which...yeah.
challenge, I wouldn't. Well, no, okay, I would because I have no self-control. I have before, several times. Now I just get sad when I think about Berlin/Germany in general. I guess the question is, do you want to ruin France for yourself?

Grant and Derek have both spoken to me privately about woman things and they are absolutely nothing alike.

And yeah Zephyrus I agree, once you've opened the floodgates of "losing your virginity" it's alllll downhill from there. You can never un-know a firm manly touch.
I think my problem is that I'm so picky. I go from absolutely indifferent about women but then when the stars do align I get completely infatuated and that makes it 1000% more difficult to talk to 'em. But I can talk to the women I don't care about no problem. Pedestal syndrome you might call it =P
The way I see it Derek and I are both rather creepy on the outside, Derek just happens to be creepy on the inside as well.
Yeah, this definitely hit the level of a bit fucking creepy now. More "I can't fucking do this" freak outs involving shouts of "I hate you" and "Fuck you David" then moments of "I love you and don't want to be without you" ...

then the real kicker.

"I'm here when you need me, I'm proud to be your fallback girl for your failed relationships/life problems"
Wait until you've had sex and you'll know the difference. Masturbation just isn't enjoyable anymore these days.

I still love masturbating, and I've had sex literally thousands of times. Sure, nothing beats amazing sex that make you cum buckets, but twisting one off quick is just as satisfying - even more so - than knocking back a beer or smoking a cigarette.
Yeah, I could never have anticipated such a goddamn obsessive stalker reaction. Oh well, not really in any place where I'm going to tolerate such shit so it'd better end.
Do you respond to her messages? The silent treatment works. My friend's ex emailed and texted him about 10 times a day for several months after they broke up, but even she eventually gave up.
All girls are crazy. I guess it's just a matter of finding one of the least crazy ones.

As for me personally, I recently have sparked up a thingamajig with a girl from school, I've known her all year, she's in both of my choir classes but we never talked too much until like 3 or 4 weeks ago, also she's been in a relationship (well two) all year so I never really considered her much. Now of course she's single and she happens to really be into me, which is fantastic because throughout my high school career I haven't cared too much to fidangle with girls but now that I have an awesome opportunity I'm moving in June....I hope to just have a great time with her and kick back for these last few weeks, and getting to know someone on a deeper level than I usually do will be great. Especially with someone that's actually a fantastic person inside and out, and honestly I've found that incredibly hard to find.