Males and Females

Do you respond to her messages? The silent treatment works. My friend's ex emailed and texted him about 10 times a day for several months after they broke up, but even she eventually gave up.

I'd like to at least salvage our friendship out of it, even if not possible since I guess in a sense she was a bit of a bounce back so I have been.

Truth be told I think it might be best if she were to not be in contact with me for a while, because she's essentially wrecking herself over this and the sooner she gets over it the better.
Why would you even think about trying to be friends with someone who is obviously going to steal your cum rag and rub the sperm into her vag trying to impregnate herself with your child? You're either deluded or stupid if you think a friendship can possibly be salvaged out of this mess so soon after the split.

It's one thing to be completely torn up and heartbroken over a short relationship - everyone has been there - but when you can't keep it under control/keep it to yourself, you are just plain trouble.
Yeah, I've just always been that 'understanding' person who even after breakups has always been friends with the person. But I guess seeing as how she's reacting I need to not bother for now.
I tried being friends with my ex but I honestly just couldn't keep contact anymore. I really wanted to be friends... but even after months of me not speaking to her she actually asked if there was still a chance of us getting back together (lolnope). So I dunno.

She seems to have chilled out since though. So I dunno. :(
All girls are crazy. I guess it's just a matter of finding one of the least crazy ones.

As for me personally, I recently have sparked up a thingamajig with a girl from school, I've known her all year, she's in both of my choir classes but we never talked too much until like 3 or 4 weeks ago, also she's been in a relationship (well two) all year so I never really considered her much. Now of course she's single and she happens to really be into me, which is fantastic because throughout my high school career I haven't cared too much to fidangle with girls but now that I have an awesome opportunity I'm moving in June....I hope to just have a great time with her and kick back for these last few weeks, and getting to know someone on a deeper level than I usually do will be great. Especially with someone that's actually a fantastic person inside and out, and honestly I've found that incredibly hard to find.

As for me personally, I recently have sparked up a thingamajig with a girl from school, I've known her all year, she's in both of my choir classes but we never talked too much until like 3 or 4 weeks ago, also she's been in a relationship (well two) all year so I never really considered her much.

I've known her all year, she's in both of my choir classes but we never talked too much until like 3 or 4 weeks ago

both of my choir classes
So I just wasted a bunch of time reading the past few pages of this thread and it is (1) depressing, and (2) fucking evil because people are saying explicit things about sex and I am a recovering Catholic (more precisely, I'm an ex-Catholic with lingering Catholic guilt and I just so happen to think the guilt is entirely justified) so that stuff makes me feel weird.

My gf is coming to Phoenix tomorrow and then we are going together to my thesis defense. I told her that I wanted her there for comfort (I am really stressed about that shit.) She obliged even though she has a busy schedule. Once I'm done defending, it's time to get some fucking drinks. It'll be a nice time with my lady and she is there for me, so that's something positive to hear about in this thread for once. Why don't you people stop being so miserable.
I'm not miserable, quite happy, just have a bitch of an ex to deal with for the time being.

Though it seems she's let off the gas pedal a bit for now.
well hey now, no male model but i dont look that bad, here's one of me chillin in a club

Haha, you're the sleazebag protagonist from Ebola Syndrome! That's hilarious. I can't find any good pictures but here's one of a woman pissing on your face:


(the picture is not meant as a personal insult. I just think you seriously remind me of this guy.)
So I just wasted a bunch of time reading the past few pages of this thread and it is (1) depressing, and (2) fucking evil because people are saying explicit things about sex and I am a recovering Catholic (more precisely, I'm an ex-Catholic with lingering Catholic guilt and I just so happen to think the guilt is entirely justified) so that stuff makes me feel weird.

My gf is coming to Phoenix tomorrow and then we are going together to my thesis defense. I told her that I wanted her there for comfort (I am really stressed about that shit.) She obliged even though she has a busy schedule. Once I'm done defending, it's time to get some fucking drinks. It'll be a nice time with my lady and she is there for me, so that's something positive to hear about in this thread for once. Why don't you people stop being so miserable.

Good luck with your thesis defense, you'll kick ass. Enjoy your Catholic guilt too when you're plowing lady. I'm glad we are not reading posts about you throwing up on your gf's lawn these days, seems like life is treating you well.
That could be arranged. Not sure what postage would cost though. It might end up cheaper to source it from a boutique wine distributor in the US. What kind of wine are you thinking? I'm not much of an authority on the reds but I do know my champagne if that interests you. I lived in that region and worked with a guy who runs a champagne bar, and did plenty of tasting. I could get an excellent bottle from a lesser known vigneron for about 20euro, a bottle of the big name stuff (Moet, Veuve Cliquot, Mercier etc) for about 25-30euro, or the real duck's nuts of the mass produced champagnes for between 50-80 euro. Of course if you're talking about something "rare" that could mean anything from 80 upwards.

Hmm, let me do a bit more research and get back to you. I wouldn't mind some good champagne either.
Hey guys, I haven't been around much in a while. The last few pages were a real bummer. I hope everyone feels happier soon.

Re: Sex and Masturbation: I went a little over a year between losing my virginity and having sex again. Sex does not ruin masturbation, but having sex is better than not (duh). Isn't it nice you know this about me? See you at MDF ;)

As for my girlfriend and I, things are going extremely well. We are both very happy and I think we will be together a long time.
I'm happy for you, Nick. I try not to get jealous when friends of mine get in relationships when I'm not in one, but I usually remedy that by remembering that I was in one for two years, during which those friends were single. It's their turn now, I guess.
I'm in a dilemma, but driving home from my gig tonight I've been thinking. It's after 2am and nothing good usually comes out of doing anything after 2am.

Ex-girlfriend is going to The Butterfly Effect gig on Sunday night with her friend and a bunch of other people. Her friend really likes her and has liked her for a very long time, but she doesn't return the feelings and she's just good friends with him. I was supposed to bring her to this concert before we broke up though I never bought tickets, not especially after we broke up. So she's going anyway. She told me awhile ago that if I was going she'll come with me, especially since she's the one who introduced me to the band. It feels like she's kinda forcing herself and is obliged to hang out with me if she does come with me.

Anyway, I really want to go to see this band and also go to watch my friend's band who is supporting them. Now that she's gonna go watch it with her friend and has already bought tickets for the both of them, I don't know what I should do. My choices are to go by myself, or tell her that I'm going. I'll feel bad if I don't tell her, but I'll also feel bad if I go and she feels like she has to hang out with me. Anyone got any input?
You could skip it, probably the most graceful option. Other than that, I'd say just find a buddy to go with so you can tell her you're going with a friend. That way she hopefully won't feel obliged to hang out beyond just sayng hi, since you're not alone.

Edit: @shah