Males and Females

bunch of stuff

Try damn near a seven year relationship pal. I'm not downplaying the significance of your experience, just sayin.

The thing that bothers me the most about my situation is the fact that I don't know what's going to happen in the future. As of right now it's basically a coin flip whether Ashely and I ever get back together, totally depedent on her. The fact that it's still up in the air just blows. The uncertainty and anticipation of the future decision is worse than the actual breakup.
So I'm debating whether to go and see my ex when I go back to France in a few weeks. We never stopped loving each other when we broke up (it was a distance thing and diverging lives) so I expect there would be passion like when we first fell in love. But I don't know if I can handle leaving her again now that I'm basically recovered from the breakup - it would be like going backwards. I'm usually the last person to need personal advice but this one is really eating me at the moment.
So you'll just take her back like that if she changes her mind?


I'm in a similar situation. My brain tells me no, my heart says otherwise. But probably because I'm still heartbroken.

You'd be leaving yourself vulnerable and showing that you were weak if you took her back Drunkard. Same for me here.

You guys don't know me very well do you? :lol: I'm not one to put myself in vulnerable positions. And there's no way she'd ever start believing I'm weak, she knows better than that. If she did decides she wants to be with me there would most definitely be a conversation had, albeit one-sided. I'd probe and prod her for answers she wasn't willing to give me and/or didn't know. I'd pretty much break her down to find out where her heart really is and understand why she did what she did and what made her come to whichever conclusion she arrives at. Ironically, this is one of the problems that plagued our relationship in the early years because I tended to converse with her in an interrogating manner on serious subjects, which she didn't like. Therefore, no matter if she decides she wants to be with me again, the reality of the situation is it may not happen because I'll either piss her off really bad or find out something I don't like and will just walk away.
So I'm debating whether to go and see my ex when I go back to France in a few weeks. We never stopped loving each other when we broke up (it was a distance thing and diverging lives) so I expect there would be passion like when we first fell in love. But I don't know if I can handle leaving her again now that I'm basically recovered from the breakup - it would be like going backwards. I'm usually the last person to need personal advice but this one is really eating me at the moment.

It's a trap! But seriously, I wouldn't do it. A few days of fun isn't worth the heartbreak and dealing with the emotions for weeks afterwards
So I'm debating whether to go and see my ex when I go back to France in a few weeks. We never stopped loving each other when we broke up (it was a distance thing and diverging lives) so I expect there would be passion like when we first fell in love. But I don't know if I can handle leaving her again now that I'm basically recovered from the breakup - it would be like going backwards. I'm usually the last person to need personal advice but this one is really eating me at the moment.

Um, what would it cost me for you to pick up a nice bottle of French wine and ship it to me? I've been salivating at the idea of getting my hands on a bottle of something rare from l'un des meilleurs établissements vinicoles dans le monde. Dieu merci pour le traducteur google.
zabu of nΩd;9775448 said:
That and... you know... mental age.

Srsly, "about to turn into Derek"? :yuk:
Something about the detached, analytical assessment of your social skills reminded me of Derek and his "cold approaches" and shit. You kinda sounded like the PUA of friendship. To me, anyways.
Probably. I definitely think like that sometimes. Wasn't criticizing anyone. I'm sure Derek will get laid someday, and frankly Grant's social life sounds a lot better than mine right now. At this point I don't go outside except to find food and take exams. Barely even leave my room. I don't think I've actually spoken to another human being with whom I was not engaged in a financial transaction since the weekend.
Virgins of this forum have two ways to manage their future: Either continue trying and end up like Derek, or give up and pay for random whore like aug (and then defend it as being "metal").

PS: Oh and then there is the third possibility. The one behind the huge Berlin wall inside your head. :lol:

I made myself laugh. See?

Fucking hell.

I'm gonna have a beer.
You will die as you live, alone and unloved. Then again, giving up whores probably wouldn't change that, so I guess you might as well keep it up.