Males and Females

Man, I hate to derail this conversation about fucking someone in the asshole, but I have a quick story or whatever. I heard probably the stupidest thing i've ever heard from a girl this evening. Ok, well her boyfriend broke up with her and she was beyond upset saying she didnt wanna live blah blah, the usual stuff. Anyways, then she was telling me that she had like a headache or something and I suggested taking some pills or something... Ok, her reply to that, word for word "I dont know how to open pill bottles"................... what the fuck. How can someone be that fucking stupid where they cant open a fucking pill bottle. Jesus fucking Christ.

ok, continue with the buttfucking conversations.
So...does no one give a shit what they say on the internet anymore? :lol: privacy is for fags amirite?

Yeah, I can't really understand why people would want to share things about their sex lives at that level of detail. Seems a bit trashy to me. Then again, I don't have much of a problem telling people about things like sharting in my pants, so who am I to talk?
Yeah, but the next day i'm sure you'll have a sore ass.

The first 5 times or so it was way worse than I imagined and lasted about 18 hours. I do it regularly though and doesn't hurt really at all anymore. The worst thing I wake up to in the morning is my crazy neighbor lady screaming about Walmart being an evil empire.
I honestly got bored with it quickly. And the first time I actually end up with skidmarks on the shaft really turned me off to it.

Agreed. She loved it, but I found it boring as hell. Have to waste time lubing up and massaging and shit and then once it's finally in I have to fucking go gentle and it's not even like it's really better than the vagina. Hell with anal.
Ugh. Buttsex is not gross. It's not like you'll get your dick covered in shit FFS.
If you go at it too recklessly it could happen. But generally neither party wants to deal with that mess so I think it's cool.
I'm not worried about the shit part, I just find the idea of sticking your dick in an ass to be weird. But, I would say that the butthole is very cute looking, I could see licking the rim of it.
My girl is usually so wet that I can use it as a lubricant for both holes. Bam! Well that was private, now beat me!
I have this really sensitive spot in my ear canal that I can hit with a q-tip and it makes my junk feel really good so whenever I get a girl to blow me I simultaneously spin a q-tip in my ear (left ear) because it makes my orgasm 10x as good.

Next your gonna want her to finger your ear. Then you'll start having ear sex. Then you become a prostitute. It's all downhill from here....