Males and Females

Or maybe he just doesn't care?

We all know thats a lie.

I never mentioned that having sex on a regular basis would cure peoples problems?...and I don't believe it can. But for me personally If I am stressed, under pressure or even upset I can vex a lot through having sex (not by means of rape) its an expression in my opinion.

Wet Vagina is nice
Ozzman: Cheers. I identify with a lot of what you said. I've become increasingly interested in math over the past few years and officially declared a second major in it a little while back (right now I'm going through an intro to topology book for the second time to solidify the fundamentals). The intellectual rigor is refreshing and it really makes you think about everything else in a different way (though I suppose this could be said of any discipline).

WAIF: The problem is that sex is a matter of such little importance that I don't feel the need to pursue a relationship with someone that would quickly lead to physical contact. If I ended up meeting someone tomorrow that I genuinely cared for and we happened to have sex, that would be great, as I feel like it's certainly a vital part of an intimate relationship between two people that seriously care about each other. However, it's just a personal preference of mine to stay away from social situations that act as the quick catalyst for romantic relationships, because, as I've previously stated, the lack of one isn't exactly a giant void in my life and I just don't feel comfortable in the environment. In other words, I'm perfectly fine going through life waiting to be proactive until a certain someone makes me take the initiative. Although I may come across as an insular dick on the forum, I'm regarded as warm, affectionate, genuinely understanding, and all that shit by a great deal of my acquaintances, family, co-workers, peers, etc. I typically give people more of a "chance" than is logically sound, tbh.

Lost Wisdom: Why is it necessarily a lie? Yeah, I get physiological urges just like any other person, and I don't think I've said anything to indicate otherwise; but I'm perfectly fine with subduing them as a part of my routine so I can get on with my jolly life. You have sex to quell stress? I go on a run, throw on some music, or read something uplifting. Again, different strokes for different folks.

I don't know why the fuck I even bothered posting in this thread, because I had a feeling some dreadful monster like the latest string of posts would surface.
Also, nowadays girls fucking dig nerds. A guy who reads math on the weekend instead of crushing beer cans against his forehead? Panties are getting wet as we speak.

This seems false to me. I am a guy who does similar things (reads philosophy on weekends) and unless the chick is similarly nerdy or has a similar kind of attitude on life, I just don't see how this is attractive. It seems like chicks like guys that are outgoing or whatever. It doesn't help much if, like me, you have a bad attitude about almost everything. I'm not saying women don't care about intelligence, but that's distinct from nerdiness.
Women like guys to be kinda outgoing, but at the same time to have intellectual interests. Their ideal is outgoing but intelligent. Did I mention that women are crazy?

Nerdiness is a strong indicator of intelligence, not that it's necessarily actually strongly correlated. So an outgoing guy who has some nerdy habits...I think a lot of women go for that.
Well, who really cares anyway? Most women are essentially cunts and I look forward to hurting their precious feelings in this new single life of mine.
Women like guys to be kinda outgoing, but at the same time to have intellectual interests. Their ideal is outgoing but intelligent. Did I mention that women are crazy?

Nerdiness is a strong indicator of intelligence, not that it's necessarily actually strongly correlated. So an outgoing guy who has some nerdy habits...I think a lot of women go for that.

Spot on.
In all seriousness, I don't take precisely the same attitude towards these sorts of things that Addo does, but I find him far more sympathetic itt than Der Morgenstern. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.

Anyway, I definitely used to have sort of a sour attitude about this sort of stuff, just because I was an introverted teenager. But I lost that attitude around age 19 or 20. Now my attitude is sour just because of failed relationships. I'm still not into dating for the sake of dating, though. And I'm definitely not promiscuous (and it's not due to lack of interest from women, just in case somebody feels like being a dick about it.)
Chicks dig guys who don't appear to care about their feelings. I predict smashing success for Cythraul.

Do they really? Tbh I've only had one non-related female ever attempt to engage in conversation with me since puberty, and after a couple months of knowing her she asked why I never asked her how she was doing, etc, and why it seemed like I didn't want to be her friend. Then again, she already had a boyfriend so I know she had no interest in the context of this discussion, so maybe attention regarding feelings is something expected from non-intimate friends? Maybe I'm taking too broad a view on what you mean by "feelings".
I feel like this idea that women generally like assholes is largely a myth. I think women just don't like when guys come across as needy or desperate or whatever. But that's far from being an asshole. I honestly have never witnessed a woman being impressed by genuine assholishness.
I'm sure they exist, but I think it's mostly exaggerated in the minds of the weak, introverted, and pathetic. The kind of people that see a muscled-out guy in a Tap Out shirt with a tan and automatically think "lol, douchebag asshole tough guy" while adjusting their turtlenecks to best emphasize the faint lumps they call pecs. Actually, internet-inhabiting nerd types are probably some of the biggest assholes around, often lacking sufficient ability to empathize with others.
Well the past two weeks have been a ride for me; a horrible, heart-breaking, mentally-draining ride. Chock full of embarrassment and despair.

I'll summarize: For the past 4 weeks I have been wanting my ex back. She seemed to have cooled down with the jealousy, and well, I was starting to really miss her. Why I never told her, I don't know... I guess I was afraid she'd say no, after I told her to "move the fuck on".

Well two weeks ago, she finally did move on apparently, and is with someone else. It's crushing. I haven't had a good night's sleep in said two weeks, I'm averaging about 3-4 hours a night. At nights when I try to sleep, she is all I can think about, and my heart starts to race, and I can't sleep. :/

Well last Wednesday, she invited me over to her house to talk about things, because she could see I have been visibly heartbroken about it. Suffice it to say, it ended up with an embarrassing display of me getting on my knees, crying, begging her to take me back. Well, reluctantly, she did, and it made me so happy. She said she still liked this new guy but she actually said she'd give me another go. We ended up making out, she told me she missed kissing me, and still had feelings for me. I thought I was in the clear. I thought I finally had her again. Well, I ended up staying the night at her place.

When I got up Thursday morning, she was hovering over me and I could tell something was wrong... she looked at me and told me she couldn't do it, that she "really likes" this new guy, and at that point I just sorta felt my hopes shatter into a million tiny pieces. She claimed she only gave me another chance, and said all those things to me the night previous, because I had "guilted" her.

It pisses me off because one week with this dude and she can't get over him. But somehow she lost feelings for me, the dude she was with for a year-and-a-half. :/ Not to mention this dude's a total pig. Fucking enraged.

I haven't stopped being in a slump ever since. As I said before, I barely sleep, she's all I can think about. Not much I can do I guess though, she's finally gone this time. FMFL.