Males and Females

How long can you guys go without sex before it starts to become a steady source of moderate frustration/distraction? I'm at about 16 days and I think I'm approaching that point.

It's all relative, my friend. When I was with Psychobitch we'd be at it at least four days a week, so when it was approaching even a week of celibacy I was getting anxious and thinking something was wrong.

Now it's been since the end of February and I'm verging on an existential crisis.

Then again, the fact that the last girl I was with never got to the point of sex before she called it off didn't help me at all. At all. Fucking religion. I should have asked more people about her.
19 years and I still haven't felt the need to give up my weekend hobby of reading about math in order to go bed a lady. No frustration at all, though that will probably change when I finally succumb to the curse of the estrogenic beasts.
You speak of that as an inevitability and a curse. You should know that my ideal life has been a balance between your esoterica by day and by night, well, bedding a lady. Worked for two years.
It won't be a curse if it's with a person I genuinely treasure as someone whose swift death by fire would actually upset me, but finding a partner that worthwhile is difficult for an insane number of reasons including (but certainly not limited to): my nigh pathological introversion, my distaste for "small talk" and the stage of relationships in which both members inoffensively go back and forth with mundane things for the sake of advancing the relationship, etc.

The idea of hooking up with someone physically attractive but otherwise universally repugnant person turns me off because it seems like such empty indulgence that requires douche-y behavior of monumental proportions to achieve. Such promiscuity is pretty much a fatal turn-off for me anyway. Every time I've been confronted with some girl who has sown the seeds of such an empty encounter by flirting with me, I feel like a goddamn primate when I try to reciprocate the favor and feel relieved when they leave me the fuck alone. Maybe I should just convert to Christianity or something.
I used to be like you, but then I separated how I think of different joys, and decided I'd have sex with a girl I don't care about a shitload. Still, I'm just way too lazy to put the moves on a girl unless I'm drunk/high. I want more payout than sex for my effort, and I'm not that desperate without chemical help.
It won't be a curse if it's with a person I genuinely treasure as someone whose swift death by fire would actually upset me, but finding a partner that worthwhile is difficult for an insane number of reasons including (but certainly not limited to): my nigh pathological introversion, my distaste for "small talk" and the stage of relationships in which both members inoffensively go back and forth with mundane things for the sake of advancing the relationship, etc.

The idea of hooking up with someone physically attractive but otherwise universally repugnant person turns me off because it seems like such empty indulgence that requires douche-y behavior of monumental proportions to achieve. Such promiscuity is pretty much a fatal turn-off for me anyway. Every time I've been confronted with some girl who has sown the seeds of such an empty encounter by flirting with me, I feel like a goddamn primate when I try to reciprocate the favor and feel relieved when they leave me the fuck alone. Maybe I should just convert to Christianity or something.

What a shame. You sound like such a catch too.
I'd like to defend his youth but I never identified with such resignation. I was depressed throughout high school and the beginning of college until I started dating and my self-esteem shot up astronomically.
In his defense it's really easy to see my post in a "holier-than-thou" light, though I intended for it to be void of any judgment whatsoever. It doesn't bother me anyway. I'm an extremely happy person and I'm generally well-liked by everyone I give a shit about. Different strokes for different folks.
no br0 you must be depressed because you don't desire the companionship of the opposite sex, actually you're probably a sociopath oh my god everyone guy is a sociopath get away you monster
It won't be a curse if it's with a person I genuinely treasure as someone whose swift death by fire would actually upset me, but finding a partner that worthwhile is difficult for an insane number of reasons including (but certainly not limited to): my nigh pathological introversion, my distaste for "small talk" and the stage of relationships in which both members inoffensively go back and forth with mundane things for the sake of advancing the relationship, etc.

The idea of hooking up with someone physically attractive but otherwise universally repugnant person turns me off because it seems like such empty indulgence that requires douche-y behavior of monumental proportions to achieve. Such promiscuity is pretty much a fatal turn-off for me anyway. Every time I've been confronted with some girl who has sown the seeds of such an empty encounter by flirting with me, I feel like a goddamn primate when I try to reciprocate the favor and feel relieved when they leave me the fuck alone. Maybe I should just convert to Christianity or something.

Swift death by fire? universally repugnant? :guh::guh: Thats angsty virgin talk if I've ever heard it. :)

Its like this :- your penis + being wet in a V-hole x not doing math = You won't live with your Mum forever.

You need to phone up Hitch to improve your game or something.
Or maybe he just doesn't care? I stopped caring a long time ago. I've asked chicks I've hooked up with before if they want to hook up again and they get mad or blow me off so I've just completely given up on the sexual aspect of a relationship. I'm still not over my last relationship fully and I'm enough of a handful for colleagues let alone a significant other.

I'm a bit 'rough around the edges' as some people state, but I prefer to be called an 'acquired taste' (because it's classier!) and I think my antisocial tendencies have hurt me a bit in terms of development and I'm trying to get out of those tendencies on my own to find self-actualization.

As I said before: Vagina is not a panacea. When people finally realize that having sex on a semi regular basis isn't going to cure their problems and they realize that it's something internal that is the problem is when things start to get better. Sure, having sex is great and I'd like to have it more often, but it doesn't solve problems.

Addo: For the record, I think it's great. I guess you're studying math for school? or maybe it's just for pleasure? Either way, kudos to you. I'm studying actuarial mathematics on my own and it's a bit of a chore to think this way after being out of the game for so long. Keep at it and good things will come to you. Persistence is what drives progress.
It's all relative, my friend. When I was with Psychobitch we'd be at it at least four days a week, so when it was approaching even a week of celibacy I was getting anxious and thinking something was wrong.
We would go at it about twice a day, five/six days a week. Jill is kind to me, but it's rapidly become inadequate.

Re: Addo: I have to agree with the general "sack-up" attitude. Just because somebody doesn't seem really awesome in the first five minutes you meet them doesn't mean anything. You don't have to act like a dick to hook up. And introversion is a shitty excuse. Also, nowadays girls fucking dig nerds. A guy who reads math on the weekend instead of crushing beer cans against his forehead? Panties are getting wet as we speak.