Males and Females

I feel like this idea that women generally like assholes is largely a myth. I think women just don't like when guys come across as needy or desperate or whatever. But that's far from being an asshole. I honestly have never witnessed a woman being impressed by genuine assholishness.

When I pick someone up - and not that it's often but whatever - I think the reason it's been successful has always been that I've seemed like a genuinely nice and "cute and quirky" guy to the girl, so I agree.

On the other hand

Not really... and the few people that do dont realize they're being laughed at... they're nothing more than "cool" versions of juggalos.
Fuck new jersey.
Although I may come across as an insular dick on the forum, I'm regarded as warm, affectionate, genuinely understanding, and all that shit by a great deal of my acquaintances, family, co-workers, peers, etc. I typically give people more of a "chance" than is logically sound, tbh.

I corroborate this. He's always one of the coolest guys (haha pun) at MDF. I envy his sublimation of basic drives into pursuing higher pleasures exclusively. Being happy is what matters.
When I pick someone up - and not that it's often but whatever - I think the reason it's been successful has always been that I've seemed like a genuinely nice and "cute and quirky" guy to the girl, so I agree.

On the other hand


Geez,Mort's doing pretty good for himself these days!! Congrats Mort.
Sad times, The Butt. I hope you can be happy and shit.

Yeah I wasn't serious about the "WOMEN LOVE ASSHOLES" thing. The "not a pushover/crybaby, but not a jackass" balance is a pretty obvious one. But I do believe that we often go for ones who are similar to our fathers/paternal figures. I certainly do - introverted, highly self-motivated academic types with alcoholic/absentee dads.

And Episteme yes there are a lot of people who look like that within a 200 mile radius of New York/New Jersey.
So I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I'm wondering if I have some kind of mild depression, but I'm not sure how one distinguishes between that and just being perpetually moody about something (is there even a difference?) I've gone through the major, debilitating clinical depression before and this is definitely not that. I've just been a mostly useless human being since the break up. Nothing severely debilitating though. I can get out and do things; I'm just never in a particularly good mood lately and I haven't been taking care of myself very well.

Tonight I'm finishing up some job apps so I can (1) get a fucking job that I like, and (2) not feel like a total waste of space. I went through my email and deleted a bunch of email conversations between me and the ex. Most of them were nice, pleasant things, but some of them were serious arguments. Deleting them kind of feels like getting rid of some painful memories in some way. We emailed a shitload when we were really long distance (when she lived in WA); I can't believe how many emails we sent back and forth during that time. I only kept two that are particularly important to me. Internet: Serious Business.

I'm also cleaning out my room in order to get rid of various documents I don't need anymore. I came across a bunch of letters that she sent me along with various gifts she sent me while we were long distance. I'm definitely not getting rid of those because they are all very touching and sweet (no homo) and they kind of matter to me.

We've had pretty minimal contact. She told me the other night something like how I'm the only guy she's dated whose moral character she has deep respect for. That's a pretty intense thing to say and I don't really think of myself as a very good person at all. It's really annoying that I have to not be with a person who thinks of me that way. Anyway, we decided to have even less contact because the amount of contact we were having was sort of fostering the illusion that we are still together. She wants us to be friends in the future. I do too. Hopefully that works out.
I like wanking lately, and my libido is returning w/ the return of spring and summer! My girl will be pleased!
@the butt: i feel your pain. i just lost my long term girl recently to some rich little UNH fag. don't beg, you can't force things. women are fucked. dont let her think she has the upper hand. give her legit reasons to want to be fuckin' you instead of that other guy. or just kill her

and to the women love assholes thing, i feel like some women love assholes, some just like guys that seem confident, and some like vulnerable pathetic guys that they can manipulate until we turn into little piles of mush