Males and Females

The whole show is hilarious! The first part isnt about men and women but the majority of his set is and its great!

King you'll love it

"Sick twisted lust, bloody fantasy / Demented replays in my mind of the goreshow that's to be / Pinned down, strapped down, now it can begin / Grab my worn-out rusted blade, commit some bloody fucking sin / Surgical incision, never mind the mess / Horrifying display, sever her fucking breeeeeasts"
My love life is officially better than awesome. Man-Purse and I participated in a donut eating contest (I won), played "Orion" together on guitar and violin (something I've been dying to do for years), and made googly eyes at each other nonstop from Friday night til this afternoon.

My love life is officially better than awesome. Man-Purse and I participated in a donut eating contest (I won), played "Orion" together on guitar and violin (something I've been dying to do for years), and made googly eyes at each other nonstop from Friday night til this afternoon.


Does he think it's possible to un-japanese you by forcing you to do googly eyes all the time? :p
LOLed hard at that one Onder. I should take a lesson from Cythraul in the ways of the round-eye...

My love life is officially better than awesome. Man-Purse and I participated in a donut eating contest (I won), played "Orion" together on guitar and violin (something I've been dying to do for years), and made googly eyes at each other nonstop from Friday night til this afternoon.


Awesome! Cheers!
I've measured my desirability with a million mirrors. I've studied what makes people desirable. I'm a cock. blah blah blah
It's so gay though. I wish I could do some social experiment that totally fucks over women's mate choosing techniques.
I'm not shy. I was just thinking of the kind of over the top tough guy swaggering that gets women's attention and being annoyed by the prospect of adopting it.