Males and Females

Trying to fuck up my sleep pattern over here so that I can adjust quickly to the new time zone when I go to Spain next week. Dunno if it'll work but I guess it's worth a try.
Since you posted that comment here and I'm reading it here I shall comment on it here. I've tried that before and it never works. You'll be jet lagged and all that shit from the plane ride anyway, so regardless of what you do it's going to be a waste of time. Either way good luck.

P.S. Fuck Spanish bitches.
Since you posted that comment here and I'm reading it here I shall comment on it here. I've tried that before and it never works. You'll be jet lagged and all that shit from the plane ride anyway, so regardless of what you do it's going to be a waste of time.

I dunno, I've heard it works for some people.
I think it's hard to predict how jet lag will or will not affect you. I do know though that every time I have gone from Japan to North America it has been awful, but going from New York to Europe has never given me much of a problem aside from the first day. Lump me in with team "sleep on the plane."
That's why I'm trying to mess up my sleep pattern, so I can sleep easily on the flight. I fly to Miami first, and then from there it's an 8+ hour flight to Madrid. I want to be able to sleep for most if not all of the flight to Madrid. I've done lots of flights to other places in Europe and I've always only slept for maybe 3 hours at the most. I figure that if I can get more sleep on the flight I'll be better prepared to adjust to Spain time.
I'm not shy. I was just thinking of the kind of over the top tough guy swaggering that gets women's attention and being annoyed by the prospect of adopting it.

you don't need too. i've had my fair share of puss-ay and i've gotten a lot more being a laid back nice-seeming guy than any attempt to be a tough guy or have any form of swagger whatsoever
It's better to change your mealtimes than try to change the time you sleep. Your body adjusts its internal clock to food availability better than it does to getting rest at a certain time. This is why I am posting so fucking early in the morning. Stupid midnight snacks.

Anyway, try eating your meals in the times you would be eating them in Spain. It works faster and is a lot more pleasant.
Yeah, I find when I eat I usually can't sleep for 5-6 hours, so if I ever wanna stay up I pound some food into me.
I never sleep well on planes, but once I get to Europe I'm so psyched on adrenaline to be in Europe that it carries me through the whole day and I go to bed at the proper time that night.
I can generally sleep on planes, though I wake up a lot. It's weird trying to sleep with so many people around you making noise and shit.
you don't need too. i've had my fair share of puss-ay and i've gotten a lot more being a laid back nice-seeming guy than any attempt to be a tough guy or have any form of swagger whatsoever
I haven't got a lot of puss-ay, but I've done alright, and I agree with this. It's more about being confident in your own personality and method of socializing (whether it's laid back or tough guy or whatever) than adopting some fake confident personality.
I haven't got a lot of puss-ay, but I've done alright, and I agree with this. It's more about being confident in your own personality and method of socializing (whether it's laid back or tough guy or whatever) than adopting some fake confident personality.

Zephyrus... never been there but I could see that. Hell that's how I felt when I got to md. Although hrs weren't that far off.
I never sleep well on planes, but once I get to Europe I'm so psyched on adrenaline to be in Europe that it carries me through the whole day and I go to bed at the proper time that night.
I never sleep well on planes, but once I get to Europe I'm so psyched on adrenaline to be in Europe that it carries me through the whole day and I go to bed at the proper time that night.

This happens to me too. I try to make bangin' nighttime plans the night of arrival to keep me out of naptime. You know, with all those Germans in darkrooms. But yeah I hate to be another statistic but I am totally one of those annoying Americans who has 20 pages of EU passport stamps and like 2 others