Males and Females

I haven't got a lot of puss-ay, but I've done alright, and I agree with this. It's more about being confident in your own personality and method of socializing (whether it's laid back or tough guy or whatever) than adopting some fake confident personality.

What about those of us who are snarky assholes by default?
Women enjoy the elitist and hierarchical elements of racism but hate the idea of something limiting their ability to be a slut.
Dunno really,some fucked up saying my old boss used to say.I guess it just means to try and get a root,that's my outlook on women these days.I do not care for relationships,only getting my end in and that does'nt happen too often btw,better off to pay for it,less hassles.
White women don't only just go for white guys. Grow some balls, get some confidence and talk to them. You're not going to get any if you keep on making excuses for yourself. If a girl gives you the reason that they only go for a particular race, then fuck 'em. They're not worth going for anyway.

I'm Asian and I have no problem charming the skirts off girls most of the time.
I'm a fan of natural skin tone. I hate seeing anything more than a natural tan from being outside a lot.

My arms and face, when compared to my stomach, are like two different colors though, which kinda sucks.