Males and Females

Relationships only wreck your life if you let them. If you invest everything you have into it (as Cyth clearly did) you'll lose everything when it ends and have to start over.
I don't understand what the fuck you lot are one about now.

Here's a sexy woman instead.

A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being too slutty about things, and who essentially will keep her dumb fucking mouth shut.

wtf, I seriously can't be the only one who got this reference?

American Fucking Psycho people...dUUUUUuuuuhhh

Great use of that quote buddy! :kickass:

Dude, you need to tell this bitch to fuck off and leave you alone. That sounds pretty harsh and all that, but if you know for a fact you aren't going to be together, and you know for a fact you can't just be her friend, your only other logical option is completely removing her from your life in every way possible. Forget she exists, delete her number from your phone, block her on facebook (I think you did this already), etc etc etc. Don't turn your life into the movie Groundhog Day, because that would just be sad and stupid.
really sad and really stupid. i did it.

my girlfriend of 5 years moved to new hampshire and i wasted a year of my life wallowing in my own sad drug induced misery. only now am i just starting to pick myself back up for the better, so (even if the drug part doesnt apply to you) don't let yourself get there! it's not a fun place.
I'm not going to even sugarcoat this, cyth. You need to find your balls and cut this ex-gf out of your life for good. For your own good.

Wallowing in depression and sliding into alcholism because of the situation you find yourself in with her is kind of pathetic.
Yeah...when my ex was giving me major problems I cut her out completely. We haven't even come close to contacting each other in a year.
I like that I've never had a really bad break up, or been totally 'bAWWWWWWWWWWww life sux' because someone left me.

And before someone says it, fuck you. I have been in love. And I have had serious relationships of multiple years. I'm just good at moving on.

My decade or more of depression seems to have NO CAUSE WHATSOEVER!!12 Though I'm sure that excessive drinking for 7 years probably has some detrimental effect upon it.

But oh well. I'm still virile as fuck and I have a girl literally begging to come over for sexings right now.

*puts on happy sex robot mask*