Males and Females

Some girl I know was talking to do a dude I know about me within ear shot last night. I had a stress at her later because I get sick of her saying things like 'she'd do me' because I don't find her attractive. I also don't desire to dress in the manner that she described as being preferable. In other words, blonde justin bieber hair, yellow trousers, branded jacket, converse (or something like that).
I'm going to write a book about this year of my life, and it's only half over...

So Inverted-Cross girl didn't work out. Ditched me for some other guy, and now I'm having a hell of a time getting her to pay me back the money I lent her. Glad I'm through with her, as she is a piece of trash if I ever met one.

So yeah, yesterday sucked ass, until I got back home to Bangor and guess who texts me asking if she could stay the night...


She came in and slept on the couch in the living room, but soon started texting me saying a mosquito was bothering her. She referred to it as "he", at which point I informed her that only female mosquitos bite. She replies with "If I don't bite, can I sleep with you?" She meant it in the innocent sense but was serious about sharing my bed with me, so she did. Then we ended up talking about how things went between us back when we dated, and discovered we still both have feelings for each other. So we cuddled all night. When I left this morning for work, she kissed me on the neck, which didn't surprise me since she's got a strange kissing philosophy, but I could tell that she wants more than friendship it seems.

This is surreal, but I'm just going to run with it. I'm much more psychologically stable than I was a few months ago, so if anything bad happens I won't be wrecked, and if good, great!
:lol: Here's how I envisioned your encounter to take place:

Girl: Texts you referring to a mosquito as a he, you instinctually must correct her because, well, she's wrong.

You: (via text) "AHEM, fact of the matter is miss, only the female gender of the mosquito family, from the Spanish and Portuguese word for little fly, would be biting you. The mosquito is a common insect in the family Culicidae, from the Latin culex meaning midget or gnat. Did you know adult mosquitos only live 4 to 8 weeks? Could you imagine?"

You: Begin working on second text as the first one has run out of available spaces. As you begin to start your next text, she intuitively realizes what you're doing and hastily responds.

Girl: (via text) "Would you shut up already and let me come up to your room so we can fuck?"

You: Utterly bewildered by this rude interruption, respond via text with, "Geez, I guess."

We only cuddled. She's sweet and innocent, and cute as a button. A nice change from this witch I've been seeing recently who ditched me.
Think of it this way, you didn't fuck some wretched cur and her whore friend. Your standards remain in tact.
I'm sure many of us lead exciting lives. I for one just got published in a Danish metal magazine and might have a promo shoot/live concert shoot from a band who was interested in my work.

Now to use this new found freelancer status to score loads of bitches.*

*and deny them, because I like crushing peoples dreams.