Males and Females

Went to a baby shower earlier today, met an absolute stunner of a girl, who I chatted a decent amount with. She's originally from Newfoundland I guess. She was really cool. Looked at her FB profile later when I got home, only to find "In a relationship with ____." I can't catch a fucking break, can I?

Careful, RJ, you're turning into what I was the past few months since my big breakup--valuing women only for their potential as romantic partners and seeing those unattainable as wastes of time and effort. Gaining mere friends of the opposite sex is a valuable investment that is hard for many in our position to appreciate.
Just how picky do you think everyone is? It's not that hard to find someone who you are attracted to AND not embarrassed to be seen in public with, really. I guess if you expect every male/female to look like an underwear model and have perfect everything then yeah expect a lifetime of disappointment.
I have balls. I'll approach anyone, true story. That's all it takes mi amigos, testicular fortitude. That and not sounding like a twat like Mike.

How do any of you even know who is unattainable? That's impossible to know unless you approach them. Sure, you'd be stupid to think that every hot bitch you stumble across is going to fall for you or something like that. So going into it with a realistic mindset does make sense. But it's not a waste of time imo. A waste of time would be sitting there thinking about it and feeling sorry for yourself because you don't think you stand a chance.
My problem with women is I tend to be a quiet around new people when I'm sober. When I'm intoxicated I turn into one of the worst people in the world.
I have balls. I'll approach anyone, true story. That's all it takes mi amigos, testicular fortitude. That and not sounding like a twat like Mike.

How do any of you even know who is unattainable? That's impossible to know unless you approach them. Sure, you'd be stupid to think that every hot bitch you stumble across is going to fall for you or something like that. So going into it with a realistic mindset does make sense. But it's not a waste of time imo. A waste of time would be sitting there thinking about it and feeling sorry for yourself because you don't think you stand a chance.

See, people who boast about this kind of thing online generally do the opposite in real life. But yeah, you really have nothing to lose, besides maybe being embarrassed a few times.
Careful, RJ, you're turning into what I was the past few months since my big breakup--valuing women only for their potential as romantic partners and seeing those unattainable as wastes of time and effort. Gaining mere friends of the opposite sex is a valuable investment that is hard for many in our position to appreciate.

Girls are FANTASTIC friends, that is if it's only platonic and one of you doesn't have a thing for the other, because they get all insane then.
Careful, RJ, you're turning into what I was the past few months since my big breakup--valuing women only for their potential as romantic partners and seeing those unattainable as wastes of time and effort. Gaining mere friends of the opposite sex is a valuable investment that is hard for many in our position to appreciate.
Oh yeah, definitely. My circle of close friends is about 75% women, so I know what you mean.

What made it so disappointing though, was that normally, I'm just really fucking shy. In the past, when I'd see a stunner of a girl that I was interested in, chances are I would clam up, and wouldn't speak unless spoken to, really. This is really the first time since I left high school (3 years ago) where I actually decided to pick up my socks, and actively approach and keep a conversation with an attractive girl I was interested in. But, shit happens... way of the road I guess. :lol:
Mathiäs;9920116 said:
See, people who boast about this kind of thing online generally do the opposite in real life. But yeah, you really have nothing to lose, besides maybe being embarrassed a few times.

It doesn't really matter if anyone believes me personally, I also don't really care. But what people need to believe and start understanding around here is that that's how shit needs to be handled.

Women don't want a tentative little pussy for a boyfriend. They want a man who isn't coward and will stand up for what he believes in and has a strong enough will to obtain what he wants. This is a fact, which is also what my whole point was. If you're shy or awkward or whatever around chicks, stop being a bitch, grow a pair, and go after what you want. It's as simple as that. Until you guys do this, you're going to be rehashing the same problems over and over again in this thread until you're dead.

Remember, they're just human beings too ya know. They think and feel the same things you do. Unless the chick you approach is a complete bitch, she'll more than likely converse with you as long as you don't come up to her stuttering and say something stupid like "yyyyyyyyyou hhhhhave rreeeeeeally nice sssssshoes."
Or you could guys could become lecturers at colleges. Young lecturer at colleges have the potential to get an unreal amount of ass if they desired too. Just sayin'. Bitches go to school with dreams of being the prof. When that looks unattainable, Plan B is being the wife or husband of a prof.

I am using the term 'Bitches' interchangeably here as you can see.

I will elaborate. Last week I gave an open invite to my class on Friday afternoon that I and another professor would be at one of the campus pubs having some beers and that if anyone wants to come out, we'd grab some rounds for them. Roughly twenty students came, 16 of them females. Now, naturally, you have the brown nosers who want to pick your mind, or ask you obscure questions they gleaned from the internet to impress you so they can come ask you to be a reference for them down the road, but several of them came just to flirt and get some free drinks.

I have discovered why Einherjar and Zeph are pursuing this route.
Or you could guys could become lecturers at colleges. Young lecturer at colleges have the potential to get an unreal amount of ass if they desired too. Just sayin'. Bitches go to school with dreams of being the prof. When that looks unattainable, Plan B is being the wife or husband of a prof.

I am using the term 'Bitches' interchangeably here as you can see.

I will elaborate. Last week I gave an open invite to my class on Friday afternoon that I and another professor would be at one of the campus pubs having some beers and that if anyone wants to come out, we'd grab some rounds for them. Roughly twenty students came, 16 of them females. Now, naturally, you have the brown nosers who want to pick your mind, or ask you obscure questions they gleaned from the internet to impress you so they can come ask you to be a reference for them down the road, but several of them came just to flirt and get some free drinks.

I have discovered why Einherjar and Zeph are pursuing this route.

tits or gtfo
Mathiäs;9910408 said:
I think you need to get on antidepressants dude. Seriously

Did you ignore the part about the mounting empirical evidence against the usefulness of antidepressants or what?
Did you ignore the part about the mounting empirical evidence against the usefulness of antidepressants or what?

Yeah, they're over prescribed to shit here and I can only imagine it's even worse in the US. Myself and several others I know that have suffered from long term (i.e. 10+ years kinda thing) depression and tried a variety of antidepressants have found them, at best, to be a very minor aid. For myself they've done absolutely nothing.

The people I know that have taken them and claimed that they're helping always seem to be (this sounds really condescending and pretentious but whatever) a) less intelligent, b) only experiencing short term 'depression' and c) not really experiencing what I'd call depression so much as angsty 'no one loves me!11' attention whoring bullshit.

So basically for them it seems to be either a complete placebo (which is cool, if it's helping) or some means of appearing all individual and cool, and I guess in cases a combination of the two.

Exercise, good diet, not locking yourself away and forcing yourself to spend time with people or doing things are all (again, my experience, but others I know agree) far, far superior means of dealing with depression than drugs.

I do however know lots of people that benefit from medication aimed at combating anxiety. I can imagine lots of that being ye olde placebo effect too but yeah. I've never really experienced anxiety or been medicated specifically for it.
I want to second the exercise recommendation, because it really does work wonders on one's mood. I have much less stress and emotional turmoil in my life since I started going to the gym 3-4 times a week with a coworker.