Males and Females

I was an antidepressant user for 2 years and from my experience it has actually helped a lot. You should know that there are many types of antidepressants. You just have to talk with your doctor so that he changes the dose or prescribe you another drug or combination of drugs. You can't just stop taking it if it's not helping you. You have to wait at least a month for the drug to start doing its job.
Guys, guys, guys. Back to the topic at hand.

What's your personal age-cut off when seeing someone? I met this girl on a night out - friend of a friend - and she's about 8 years younger than I am. She is twenty-one and I just turned twenty-nine. We hit it off and have been going out on some dates and just hanging out at my place. I was telling my friend about it and he was giving me some stick over her being so much younger than me. I hadn't given it much thought, to be perfectly frank.
If she were any younger it might be a little weird, but at 21 a person should be old enough to make just about any decision (though it depends on their individual maturity level too of course).
At 21 it should be fine. Personally, being 21 myself, my cut-off would be maybe... 17? I dunno. I'd date a 17 year old.
I'm pretty sure 16 is the legal age here also. Ask me when I'm drunk, I may be a bit more receptive to the idea. :V
I think it's important to look at lifestyles when considering age. Students can see students. Working people can see working people. I'm 25 and my girlfriend is 22, but she finished college early and is already making more than I am, so we're not too far from the same place in life.

As someone who likes to drink a lot, I can't imagine being 21+ and seriously dating much younger. Inability to go to bars would bother me too much.
I would fuck a 15 year old, but I wouldn't date one, because they are stupid.
I was an antidepressant user for 2 years and from my experience it has actually helped a lot. You should know that there are many types of antidepressants. You just have to talk with your doctor so that he changes the dose or prescribe you another drug or combination of drugs. You can't just stop taking it if it's not helping you. You have to wait at least a month for the drug to start doing its job.

I'm well aware of all of this.
I have only ever 'dated' women older than me.

I've only ever been with one younger than myself, and that was by a matter of days.
I *would* date an older woman, but I worry that it might result in some perverse relationship in which I behave even less mature and they develop mother-like characteristics.
I'd date someone older, yes. I'm not picky. When it comes to a quick fuck though, 16 or 26, hell even 36 if they're good-looking, if they're jonesing for a good fuck, I will oblige.