Males and Females

nope. I keep it strictly professional. I don't even date classmates

Well so far college has been my only source of finding women, and just because I graduated and she hasn't yet doesn't change anything. In my class she will be my student and nothing more, and there is a system in place to ensure that.

what?! thats easy pussy man! wtf, just hump and dump and give them an a for their troubles

Despite my naivete in terms of social intelligence, I do have the ability to judge one's academic aptitude. One of my best friends (my first girlfriend, actually) is a Latin major and I took many classes with her, and I saw that she struggled in the subject, but it never affected the strong friendship I eventually developed with her.

In terms of this new one, I cannot tell how she'll do in my class, but we are both honest enough people not to let our extra-curricular activities influence the curricular ones.
I wish I hadn't rejected some of the women I rejected in the past. I mean they will be at uni when I go back and they wont have forgotten. Some of them were beautiful and I just did it for a quick ego boost. It's like I can either be a sober shy kid or a drunk ultra-asshole.
I wish I hadn't rejected some of the women I rejected in the past. I mean they will be at uni when I go back and they wont have forgotten. Some of them were beautiful and I just did it for a quick ego boost. It's like I can either be a sober shy kid or a drunk ultra-asshole.

:rolleyes: Those posts make you sound like a total retard. I hope you know it and you do it for fun, because otherwise you should think about yourself next time you're about to post about how you "rejected" some girls which everybody heard like 100 times already. Jesus you're so annoying.
Get the fuck off your high horse. I tend to use the forum as a toilet for my every passing thought. I occasionally exaggerate them by quite a lot as well.
Can I add your post to this book I'm making that basically comprises of the thoughts of socially awkward people in the dating world?
How old is this girl, Grant?

Also, Matt may be right. She may be seeing this idea as a means to gradually ramp up to being fit for a relationship, but needs to get more used to physical intimacy. What starts as "kissing friends" could certainly escalate if she responds positively.

However, there's a risk, since in the process you might get too attached to her (I for one know I get attached way too quickly and it's hurt me before) while all she wants may be well below what you hope to come out of it.

But if you're anything like me, then either choice you make could have emotional consequences. Women are stressful whether you're with them or without them.
zabu of nΩd;9943731 said:
She seemed pretty clear about not wanting to become fuck buddies, since she's worried about jeopardizing the friendships in our social circle. So unless she's deliberately misleading me, i don't think i really have that option.

That's a bit preposterous. If she's so concerned about jeopardizing her social circle, then even kissing shouldn't happen. It's a slippery slope.
That's a bit preposterous. If she's so concerned about jeopardizing her social circle, then even kissing shouldn't happen. It's a slippery slope.

Agreed. I'd suggest that she does want to be fuck-buddies, and is using "kissing" as the entry point to appear less of a "slut." I'm not implying that she is a "slut" in any way; but she likely knows that girls who like to mess around are often unfortunately viewed that way and cares enough about her image to try and avoid the label; if she wants to be fuck-buddies with you, then she definitely doesn't want you to think she's loose.
So have any of you academics here had to deal with issues of relationships between students and teachers? I had a talk with my professor (and soon to be boss) today on the fact that my new girlfriend happens to be signed up for my Greek class this Fall. She said that it was fine, but just to be safe, that she would grade her instead of me. Hopefully that all works out.

I'm dating a grad student in a completely different department so I'm in the clear. I went through the the faculty handbook on this with a fine-tooth comb and, as far I as I am aware, am not breaking a single rule.
@zabu: She's fucking with you is what she's doing. Right now she's testing the waters and seeing how far she can walk into the ocean before the water gets over her head. You just need to tell her straight up that you're attracted to her and are interested in pursuing a relationship if that's what you really want. If you don't want to do the FWB then tell her. Don't let her coyness get to you. DO NOT play her game because you'll get burned brother.
Personally, if I were in that situation, I'd tell her it's either a relationship, or "just friends"; one or the other. I don't think I'd be able to just "mess around" with a close friend of mine like that, without a relationship anyways.
zabu of nΩd;9943862 said:
Yeah that would be great and all, but right now fwb might be my only option. If she's not comfortable with a relationship other than one that consists of this "game", how can i force her hand?

With honesty?
Not to derail topic from Grant, but....

I know that most of you guys are wholly comfortable in your positions as nerds and so am I. One problem that comes along, is that when you wake up in bed with an attractive girl that you are comfortable around, you start questioning things. While the girl in question isn't stupid by any means, she doesn't really come close to my natural instinct to be academically astute or have the drive/focus to do bigger things. Of course I'm over-thinking and having my own expectations, but I was wondering if I'm alone in this.

Never really had low self-esteem, but this summer sure has boosted confidence on the lady front :D

EDIT: Girl in question wasn't the ex of the friend I mentioned earlier.
Not to derail topic from Grant, but....

I know that most of you guys are wholly comfortable in your positions as nerds and so am I. One problem that comes along, is that when you wake up in bed with an attractive girl that you are comfortable around, you start questioning things. While the girl in question isn't stupid by any means, she doesn't really come close to my natural instinct to be academically astute or have the drive/focus to do bigger things. Of course I'm over-thinking and having my own expectations, but I was wondering if I'm alone in this.

Never really had low self-esteem, but this summer sure has boosted confidence on the lady front :D

This is my situation pretty much at the moment. One reason she is so attracted to me is because of my superior academic intellect. However, I'm convinced that she has wisdom in other things that I do not possess, so that things are not one-sided. She won't be one who advances me academically but there are more things in life than just books, you know.