So my ex had her last day at work today. She's moving to another city with her boyfriend, so I'll almost certainly never see her again. When she left she just said "bye" to me without even stopping. I don't really know what the nature of our relationship is right now - on the one hand, she says she doesn't know why she talks to me, and on the other she then volunteers to buy me beer and randomly texts me and stuff. I've been open to the idea of friendship but there are some really mixed messages and I have no idea what the fuck is up. All that said, I've known and worked with her for two years and we've been through enough emotional ups and downs that I think some sort of acknowledgement is warranted. A hug. A firm, businesslike handshake. The middle finger. Complete silence Any of those I could understand and accept, but just "bye" seems...wrong. I know she doesn't like goodbyes, but I think that the connection we've had should be strong enough for her to get over it. Perhaps I really mean nothing to her. Perhaps she's just as confused as I am. But this bothered me all day. Does it seem weird/fucked up to you guys?
PS. Since she or her boyfriend has a friend who for some reason lurks in social: Greetings, you creepy lurking fuckshovel. Pass this on if that's what makes you happy, I don't give a fuck.