Males and Females

Your friends aren't a judge of when it's right for you to start dating. That is something that is completely up to you. Only do it when you feel it is right.

Oh yeah, but it wont stop them from making fun or thinking something is wrong with me lol. Honestly I dont know where im supposed to meet women, people suggest clubs. But I have this lingering impression that I wont meet any quality women in a club anyways.
I fell in love with Ashley fairly quickly. Back then I was an extreme rebel and had that IDGAF attitude, but there was something about her that sucked me right in you know? It wasn't until we lived together for a little while did I realize she was probably "the one."
I made a cool new friend who is a single dude. He knows the scoop (I'm off the market and not interested in more than friends), but we initially met as a sort of double-wingman failed pickup attempt on his part. I go out of my way to be unattractive - talk about MP, pooping, and leave food on my face instead of wiping it off. This is totally fine, right? All the "THERE IS NO 'JUST FRIENDS'" talk I see on here makes me paranoid and guilty.
A guy and girl can totally be friends, you shouldn't have to go out of your way to 'be unattractive'. Personally i've never felt an overwhelming need to fuck any of my female friends. It's just much healthier for the friendship if both people are open with each other about how they feel about their love lives (or lack thereof), because it's easy for trust issues or false expectations to arise if this does not happen.
Oh yeah, but it wont stop them from making fun or thinking something is wrong with me lol. Honestly I dont know where im supposed to meet women, people suggest clubs. But I have this lingering impression that I wont meet any quality women in a club anyways.

You'll meet the AIDS quality women
zabu of nΩd;9958771 said:
A guy and girl can totally be friends, you shouldn't have to go out of your way to 'be unattractive'. Personally i've never felt an overwhelming need to fuck any of my female friends. It's just much healthier for the friendship if both people are open with each other about how they feel about their love lives (or lack thereof), because it's easy for trust issues or false expectations to arise if this does not happen.

You don't have to go out of your way to be unattractive, but i do think that (this is a generalization, get over it) a lot of guys aren't able to read signals and often times seriously just think they're going to bang chicks eventually if they're friends. i've seen this happen all the time (hell i've been guilty of it before, but now i can tell the difference and it's always friends haha) and it always ends up in the guy getting all pissy when something happens because the girl just wants to be friends and he thinks he was getting somewhere.

if someone wants to be just friends they will, and if putting it bluntly makes them pissy then clearly they weren't a good friend. it seems best just to get it out of the way by straight up saying that you want to be friends (put it in some conversation at some point, but make it clear), if you're going out with a guy who is purely a friend then you don't have to get INSANELY makeup/fancy/slutted up, obviously looking good is important to a lot of people but sometimes it does send the wrong message as much as that might suck (you can still look good without it seeming overdone). just being direct is important because yeah, a lot of guys seriously despite how direct the messages are don't get it and their dick just keeps their hope alive (others understand though, it's not everyone).

i hate a lot of the shit girls do and i hate a lot of the shit guys do and a lot of the shitty things about guys really are pretty common, even if there are exceptions. some just can't have the opposite sex friend yet others can, as long as one is open at least there isn't confusion and that awkward bullshit that usually goes with it (can't even count how many times girls have wah'd to me about some guy they were friends with and then they basically crushed his dreams of banging her and then he gets all pissy and turned out he was just trying to bang them so then he goes all guilt trip/asshole etc).
Most of what your typical Western-er thinks of as love is not love.

Well, duh. Love is an abstract concept created by the Illuminati reptillian master race to subjugate and mentally control weakling human beings whose minds are biased towards such feelings because of the hormonal implants grafted onto their temporal lobes by externally-controlled nanobots injected secretly during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Well, duh. Love is an abstract concept created by the Illuminati reptillian master race to subjugate and mentally control weakling human beings whose minds are biased towards such feelings because of the hormonal implants grafted onto their temporal lobes by externally-controlled nanobots injected secretly during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Your sarcastic conspiracy theories need tweaking. :p
The idea that men and women can't be friends is propaganda that mostly comes from the mouthes of toddlers who only want to hang out with their own sex since the other one has cooties.
The idea that men and women can't be friends is propaganda that mostly comes from the mouthes of toddlers who only want to hang out with their own sex since the other one has cooties.

Watched Yes Man yesterday. Zooey Deschanel is once again in the crosshairs, nothing new to report on local actually attainable women, however.