Males and Females

Yay, get to meet my girlfriends crazy super paranoid 'everyone is a 50 year old axe murderer' grandma tomorrow.

Should be fun.
I play both of those and have a woman. I'm pretty sure the idea that if you play any non-mainstream (COD, Madden) videogames ever you will never touch a booby is completely false. If you're the classic gamer stereotype - short, fat, acne-riddled ugly smug introvert - then you're not likely to get laid regardless of whether or not you play videogames. On the other hand, if you're an Olympian sex machine like I am, then women will be fighting over you wherever you go no matter how many level 80 characters you have on WoW.

EDIT: Aug, you don't count. You have to pay women to touch you.
Gamer chicks (that are hot) rule. I'd love to know an attractive girl that knows more about Starcraft than I do. One that will rape all of my strategies and school me on the backstory. I need to learn Korean.
I've been thinking about deleting my account. I've been getting matched up with either generic people or hipsters. Plus, I'm eighteen, and I should be out every Friday night getting fucked up and fucking some random girl I gave a fake name to.
I just concluded that either (a) I'm unattractive, or (b) there is something about me that is a huge turn-off (e.g., I'm a smoker).

It seems that the only women interested in me are fatties and the ones that are mildly attractive lose interest in talking to me. There was one that was promising, but it would take her at least 3-4 days to get back to me between messages. It got really annoying so I said fuck it.
I seriously think it is generally irrational for men who don't look like a male model to spend any substantial amount of time trying to do online dating. GO OUTSIDE!


Back when I was gettin' pussy on a routine basis, I still played both of these. Fail.

First of all, if you're referring to the noun, it's called 'failure'. Secondly, setting your own story as the standard for all others is stupid.