Males and Females

You have to realize that it‘s your fucking mission to do things that you enjoy thinking about while masturbating. Just do the things that make you horny. Thinking about whether she likes it or not is overrated. She will like it when you will. That is 1) the truth, and also 2) it makes you a male. That turns her on. Spread that ass and lick the cunt. Then just finger her button and tell her she‘s a fucking slut. And when she‘s near orgasm, spit on her face and when she tries to wipe it off with something, just don‘t let her. She will fucking love it, and then just shove your dick into her mouth and suffocate her with your cum.

Well that theory does support why you always see the assholes with a woman on their shoulder. I guess we could go into some evolutionary drivel how women are predisposed to whatever the guy needs to get his rocks off to propagate the species. Et cetera.
My girlfriend was talking shit about spanking and pulling her hair during sex. Turns out it was bullshit, she likes it so Onder has a point.
Well that theory does support why you always see the assholes with a woman on their shoulder. I guess we could go into some evolutionary drivel how women are predisposed to whatever the guy needs to get his rocks off to propagate the species. Et cetera.

That has some slightly absurd implications. Clearly women are not ok with literally any kind of behavior toward them by their partners. Even if we're just talking about sex i'm sure there are some behaviors that are just off-limits for most women.

A better theory might be that the average man enjoys demonstrating his physical power during sex, and the average woman enjoys experiencing the man's physical power in some fashion. The specifics (or degree) of her enjoyment still depend on her values.
Clearly the quality of the dicks in question takes precedence (i.e. their similarity to my own).
zabu of nΩd;9977430 said:
That has some slightly absurd implications. Clearly women are not ok with literally any kind of behavior toward them by their partners. Even if we're just talking about sex i'm sure there are some behaviors that are just off-limits for most women.

A better theory might be that the average man enjoys demonstrating his physical power during sex, and the average woman enjoys experiencing the man's physical power in some fashion. The specifics (or degree) of her enjoyment still depend on her values.

Well obviously it has limits. Your theory is good, if not better, but I wouldn't totally discount mine as being at least partially true.

I'd have to agree with Grant, plenty of guys who are really violent/power-hungry in the sack are mild mannered and polite in normal life. You can't judge books by their covers and shit. Though wearing macho confidence on the outside is definitely attractive to some degree.
So, I made a post about this chick a while ago but couldn't find it. Anyway, here's the skinny:

This hot hispanic broad that works for a corrugated box manufacturer has been working with me the past couple months on getting custom made boxes and all this shit. Well, she's smoking hot so naturally I was subtly flirting with her and she returned the favor. It was all innocent and just for fun. Later that night I come to find out she's married and has at least two kids. So I was like, meh, whatever, I had no plans to take it any further than just flirting.

Well she's been stopping in at work a lot lately "just to see me" and to "check up on me" even though nothing is different and we don't even talk about boxes. She's been asking me a lot of random information about my life. Nothing too personal, just the normal small talk shit about family, living situations, etc. Well, never once has she mentioned she's married or has kids or anything. She never wears here wedding ring. So I'm thinking, maybe they're split up? I dunno. I never really cared that much and I'm not too sure I care right now because of the whole situation with Ashley and I.

ANYWAY. The other day she came in and we were bsing about the shitty weather here and how we both prefer nice sunny days, and how I'm a Floridian and hate the cold and she does too, blah blah blah. Well, I had her quote me on this special sized box and she responded today wanting to meet up to discuss the quote she has ready for me. No big deal right? Well, at the end of the email she says (copy/pasted):

P.S. This weather is still bumming me out. I need some sunshine in my life;)

Seems innocent enough considering the context. However, the mindfuck is with the winky face. Why the winky face?! What does she mean by "needing sunshine" in her life? Does that mean she wants the cock? Wtf bitch, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!

Ok, having said all that, I generally don't fall for that "zomg what does this mean?!!" bs, and truthfully, I think it was just an innocent comment about the shit weather we're having. But that tiny part of me wonders, is this bitch really subtly hitting on me?

She's fucking with you is what she's doing. Right now she's testing the waters and seeing how far she can walk into the ocean before the water gets over her head. You just need to tell her straight up that you're attracted to her and are interested in pursuing a relationship if that's what you really want. Don't let her coyness get to you. DO NOT play her game because you'll get burned brother.