Males and Females

krampus' descriptions of her boyfriend are bizarre.

How so? He's a 25 year old dude whose main passion in life is playing guitar, is pretty much fluent in Chinese and Japanese, and he really likes candy.

Unfortunately the birthday thing is no longer an issue as his drunk father is whisking him off to Texas to hang out with his senile grandmother when we had planned to hang out. I'll just take him to Tokyo for a weekend or something when we get back to Japan, no problem.
So, I talked to the girl I mentioned a few pages back and I told her that being with her constantly feeling the way I feel and knowing she doesn't feel the same way back is pretty hard on me and a major bummer and that I think we should spend some time apart so I get get over this whole thing.

She was super cool about it but it feels really weird. I am so used to being with her or talking to her all the time that I am not sure what to do with myself. I keep wanting to call her or see if she wants to hang out. The weekend has just begun and I find myself wondering what I am going to do with myself. Knowing I am not going to see her for a while has got me down.

Overall I think this is going to be a good thing. It's not going to happen and I need to move on.
Go somewhere where lots of hot sluts hang out and stare at them all. You'll fall for one and be wanking over her that night, if not shagging her.
So, I talked to the girl I mentioned a few pages back and I told her that being with her constantly feeling the way I feel and knowing she doesn't feel the same way back is pretty hard on me and a major bummer and that I think we should spend some time apart so I get get over this whole thing.

She was super cool about it but it feels really weird. I am so used to being with her or talking to her all the time that I am not sure what to do with myself. I keep wanting to call her or see if she wants to hang out. The weekend has just begun and I find myself wondering what I am going to do with myself. Knowing I am not going to see her for a while has got me down.

Overall I think this is going to be a good thing. It's not going to happen and I need to move on.

Good call on the "MAN UP" initiative. It will suck for a while but you'll get over it. Out of sight, out of mind. Fuck that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" BS, that only lasts for so long IMO unless you are a pathetic pining loser (PPL). And you seem (rightfully) hellbent on losing your PPL status which is a good thing for the dignity.
So, I talked to the girl I mentioned a few pages back and I told her that being with her constantly feeling the way I feel and knowing she doesn't feel the same way back is pretty hard on me and a major bummer and that I think we should spend some time apart so I get get over this whole thing.

She was super cool about it but it feels really weird. I am so used to being with her or talking to her all the time that I am not sure what to do with myself. I keep wanting to call her or see if she wants to hang out. The weekend has just begun and I find myself wondering what I am going to do with myself. Knowing I am not going to see her for a while has got me down.

Overall I think this is going to be a good thing. It's not going to happen and I need to move on.

I can't pretend I know the whole situation but it sounds like you're going to distance yourself from a girl you have a huge thing for that you're friends with because she doesn't have romantic/more than friend feelings back toward you? That seems kinda dumb; just being away from her won't make the feelings go away and they'll just come back when you see her again and start hanging out with her again (unless you're talking about just ejecting her from your life). If you hang out with her a lot and just really try to focus on friendly stuff and block out of your mind the feelings knowing they won't happen and she doesn't feel the same way and that you don't have to be together that way and look for other girls you'll eventually probably feel that way about her and not have to lose a very close friend.

It may totally seem like that won't happen but believe me, if you hang out with a girl long enough and you know she views you in a friend way and won't ever change you'll eventually be able to get over it and adapt too (I can't imagine someone being so obsessed with someone romantically that they'd rather disconnect than just try to be friends because if you did "love" them then wouldn't you enjoy just hanging out with them?); it just might take a while but in the end you'll have a very close friend and be better off than losing a close friend.

If you really did care for her you wouldn't want to break up a good friendship for both of you or force negative things on her because she doesn't feel the same way outside of being friends as you; it's not her choice not to want you in that way so you should just accept it and look for a girlfriend somewhere else and keep a friend you really care about and are close to.
My ex has popped up again!We had a very fullon/semi toxic relationship over the last three or so years,I'm kind've happy because i think of her all the time but we have had some really fullon arguments/fights.At the risk of sounding self absorbed, from the time we've spent together i seriously doubt we'll be able to forget each other but I have been doing my best to do just that.It seems like a preditable circle at times,she contacts me,we get back together,we fight and then don't speak for a couple of months at a time sometimes.Relationships do my head in.
Enemy242, I can understand a lot of what you had to say, but part of the problem was that I was hanging out with her to the exclusion of everyone and everything else. It was just me and her constantly. She isn't just another average friend. My entire life has pretty much revolved around her for the last 7 months, so I need to get back to some sort of normalcy with my life and then I can see her again on a more casual, less all consuming basis.
So, I finally decided to hang out with this girl that I met through a mutual friend last night. We went out somewhere in the area and then came back and played some Scrabble and watched a movie.

Then we started making out, but it didn't get any further. It was awesome because I really like this chick.

That is all.
Well, it all started because I asked if she wanted to go on a date sometime and she said sure, but nothing materialized for a few weeks because I'm really shy around attractive women (but I've been more open to her for whatever reason) and she was all 'Hey, my plans fell through so let me know if you want to do something' so of course I jumped on that shit because I would look like a complete asshole if I didn't after having a conversation about how she can't read me very well.

Anyway, she said I'm really fun and shit. Hopefully I get a rematch for Scrabble.
Found out my ex dumped me to get back together with her ex...found out from her after she initially told me she didn't want to be in a relationship right now and after we'd spent some time apart and decided to be friends. Well, fuck that. If she'd told me the truth from the beginning I'd probably still hate her, but I wouldn't be this angry. Also, she dumped me for a fat Indian. That's just insulting.
Found out my ex dumped me to get back together with her ex...found out from her after she initially told me she didn't want to be in a relationship right now and after we'd spent some time apart and decided to be friends. Well, fuck that. If she'd told me the truth from the beginning I'd probably still hate her, but I wouldn't be this angry. Also, she dumped me for a fat Indian. That's just insulting.

Bitches always do that. I mean, would you rather her have said at the time "I'm dumping you for my ex?". It's easier to say "I don't want to be in a relationship right now, I wanna be single" etc to avoid hurting the other one even more. Finding out later does suck though.

And since going to that gay club (which was weird and fun), some of my gay friends want to have sex with me. lol.