Males and Females

It works the opposite way for some people I think. The drunker I am the more likely I am to completely turn off the brain-mouth filter and be like "leave me alone you have a weak chin." But yeah Man Purse never drinks partially because the one time in his life he got wasted he woke up next to a landwhale
So I visited to my girlfriend in Salem this weekend, and I must say it was one of the best times we've had together. Now we're back at long distance for four more weeks before we begin living together up in Bangor for a whole year. So, according to all you debbie-downers, this is the acme of our relationship before it all goes to Hell. We'll see who's wrong in the end.
So that chick I told to fuck off five months ago, that chick who a year earlier used to be my best friend, the one who just completely shut down and stopped talking to me, ended up waving me down at a fair while my g/f was on a ride to speak to me. It was a nice, long chat too. Normally I'd have been like "holy shit, took long enough".

Except even now, she doesn't really talk to me still. We live in the same small village of 200-300 people. She never says hi, I never see her outside anymore, and even now, conversations online generally only last maybe 3-4 minutes before she says "gotta go, bye".

I can't tell if she's still pissed off at me or not, but if so... the fuck, women? Why do you constantly confuse us guys with this mixed signals bullshit? I even apologized and said "hey, thank you, it was nice talking to you, sorry for any bullshit, I hope we can be friends again". I thought I did good here... why still the semi-silent treatment?
Why'd she wave me down at the fair then, all happy-like, and seem to be really interested in talking to me?

If you don't wanna be my friend, then don't talk to me. :S It's just really confusing, and that's what ticks me off about it.
Girls do that because they want to stay on the "radar" and still be on everyone's good side. It doesn't mean they actually want to be good/consistent friends. Pretty nonsensical, I know.

Being back in America made me realize that I kind of want to be either invisible or a man. Feels very violating having people just STARE constantly.