Males and Females

lol, the squirting is awesome, don't get me wrong, my first serious girlfriend was a squirter as well.

I just don't want to be in a relationship with this girl. It's the fact that I've made her do it so much (according to her, more than other guys she's been with) and I don't want her to latch on to me.

lulz. Every time we do it, her bed gets completely drenched.
Woot, problem solved. She told me she just wants to fuck my brains out and she's also not after relationship. WIN.

Why can't I get into situations like this?

Because you're not a camel-fucker who lives down under.

I lol'd

Update on last night: So I texted this chick today and she was very terse in her responses. I'm opting to wait until later in the week to ask her to dinner next weekend so I don't seem too eager/desperate. Apparently, she only thought the conversation last night was awkward and was sorry she talked about work too much, but would be willing to try it again. The only con of this is that she's a nurse and works nights (7 PM to 7 AM) so the only way to really coordinate something would be for the weekends in the near future.

Dating and shit fucking sucks. I wish this shit was simpler and not so fucking intricate...
Some girl told me to text her if I'm not busy this weekend. All I said in the text was, hey, I'm not busy. I suppose that was a bit dumb. I imagine she wants me to make some kind of move by asking her out. The thing is she's not really all that attractive imo. More girls messaging me on okcupid but I don't see it leading to anything. They'll get me to give my email address for use with msn but then never add me.
How is that intricate? Just schedule something for the weekend you moron. It's too much of a hassle when you're both working full-time to do something during the week anyway.

The whole process that goes into it after the initial meeting is intricate. Like, if you do something the other party perceives as inapproproate (texting too early, etc) then it fucks everything up. I'm thinking a 30 year old would be over that shit, but Frank Zappa did comment that life is like high school with money, so who knows?
zabu of nΩd;10029007 said:
this just blew my mind. never thought i'd just happen upon it after ~15 years of not hearing it and enjoy it.
Men at Work kick some ass bro. Listen to Touching the Untouchables.

Aaand just to say something pertaining to the thread: vaginas are good.
Well my ongoing fruitless efforts at meeting chicks continue, and I need help interpreting this latest conversation. The girl sent me a "wink" originally, so I struck up a conversation, but despite my efforts to engage her she's not doing anything but answering my questions at this point. Should I:

(1) ask her out in my next message?
(2) wait a few days / a week and then ask her out?
(3) give up because she's not interested?

Apologies in advance for how long and stupid this conversation is.

me said:
Your wink is well received :) What sort of teaching are you doing, out of curiosity? I've thought about trying that out and I'm not sure what the options are without a license. Also, got any plans for the (hopefully not cold/rainy) weekend?
chick said:
I'm currently teaching swim lessons with a private swim school, but I'm going to go back to school to get my license. I know you can teach in private schools and community colleges with a master's degree, but no license.

Yeah, this weekend has actually been pretty slammed. I was at the Zine Fest most of the day today and then I worked this evening and tomorrow I'm going to see Wicked with my family. How about you?
me said:
Ah, okay. Yeah for me the worst part about considering a career change is the possibility of returning to school and the time/money commitment involved. I'm not at the point where I can make a comfortable decision yet, but it's pretty high on my to-do list since I am unhappy with what I am doing now.

Wicked is playing at the Landmark isn't it? I've never been there before, but the theater's mysterious oriental presence on campus has always taunted me with its allure :p

On Friday I cleaned my room, had drinks with apartment mates and watched one of them build electrical circuitry in Minecraft. Today I am visiting family out near Charlottesville. No plans for tomorrow, but I have some semi-required reading to do for work so I'll probably start on that. You planning to check out the folk festival next weekend? Looks interesting!
chick said:
yeah, i understand that. but i've been broke college student for so long, it won't be a huge change.

i probably won't go to the folk festival, not really my thing. i'm also not big into crowds. i'll most likely by going to the roller derby bout instead
me said:
Roller derby... I think I just figured out where you got your username from, haha. I've been to one of those, didn't get much out of it but it was amusing (and those girls have some serious legs!). What makes you a fan?
chick said:
It's just super entertaining and fast paced and it's awesome seeing chicks being brutal. I think I'd really excel at that sport.
As a side note, she says this in her profile:

"I've never been a fan of the stupid games that go along with dating, let's go ahead and just bypass all that."

Which suggests she would appreciate me being direct, but this could easily only apply to certain contexts not including the initial email chat, and i don't want to be misled into a fatal trap.