Males and Females

There's some hot girl on OC but I don't want to message her because I have to edit my profile to mention how I'm her bitch first.

Apparently she likes BDSM. OO EER.

What I do find amusing is that there is a bondage "clinic" right near a load of normal shops I go in, in the city center. People get electric butt plugs put up there ass by some plump woman in a nurse costume.

It takes all sorts
It's understandable. Are you even aware of how judgmental chicks can be about personality-related stuff? Writing a profile for one of those things feels like walking through a minefield when virtually anything can be twisted into "oh this guy's a loser/douchebag/whatever."

But wouldn't they find out that stuff anyway eventually? IMO you might as well lay it out on the table and let people weed you out over dumb shit before anyone gets involved. But I guess I'm not a "normal" female in some senses?

Re: Grant - (1) but at least 50% likelihood of (3) tbh. Still it's better to know, right?

Re: Episteme - NICELY DONE. I always wished I could do that
yeah, they're paid to flirt...but might as well put the ball in her court and slip her your number or something with a clever note about Slayer?
I guess? I mean, it's not like it's a strip club. And none of the other bartenders act this way. Maybe she's just a better businesswoman than the others.

Maybe, maybe not. she may genuinely have something brewing for you as well. Its just really sticky terrain attempt a read on. While it may be hard to read, it also is the type of thing that could easily dissipate if the idea is just flirted with in your head without taking progressive steps.
She wants to get you drunk and get your money, but how you take it is how you take it. People can believe what they want which in the end is what makes people happy. You could love her and believe she loved you if you wanted too.
I don't mean "flirt" as in the outright sexual sense so much as to just be able to make customers feel special and talk about anything with anyone. People skills and shit. I think you're silly if you don't go for it though :p

I also get your point about holding back. There's no reason to list every single facet of your personality on a dating site anyway, too much sincerity screams "I desperately need anyone" and is a HUGE turnoff.

Here's a question I always wondered since we're talking about online dating. Say you meet a girl and intend to pay for her, but she turns out to be a loser/ugly/not someone you want to see again. Do you still pay?
Well, whatever. I've hit on women like a total of 3 or 4 times in my whole life, so it's not like I'm actually going to do anything. It's fun to speculate about though.

I'm right there with you, despite the fact i've been in a few serious relationships and am heading out of the road of divorce I have had things fall gently in my hands when they have occurred, I've never been able to pursue though. I don't know how to make that adjustment, but I do know that I will never be able to claim I live with no regrets.
If I hit on a woman it means a lot because am normally not attracted to anyone. So if nothing happens it takes a major turn on me. I can't believe nothing happened. It will eat me up.
I work in a bar at the moment (at least for another few months), and even though it's filled with executives and corporates we do occasionally get a younger crowd on the weekends.

I've flirted with girls when they come in, gotten numbers and actually called some of them after work. It is my job to make customers feel special, talk to them about absolutely anything, it is somewhat taboo to actually proceed with anything after serving customers though, but it doesn't really matter if things are outside work.

Cyth, I think you should just get talking to her. It's kind of their job to talk to you, so charm your way right there. Somehow get her to write her number on the back of the napkin, you'll know that she's keen if she's the one giving her number to you.
Here's a question I always wondered since we're talking about online dating. Say you meet a girl and intend to pay for her, but she turns out to be a loser/ugly/not someone you want to see again. Do you still pay?

Not sure how the chick would turn out to be ugly unless she posted fake pictures. But for any other reason unless she was a real bitch, yes I would pay.
If she turned out to be ugly, tell her you're all about equal rights so you each have to pay for your own meal. Then tell her you're on a diet and leave once you're finished your glass of water. Or just tell her you don't like literally throwing away good food into the dumpster.

If she's fat you certainly don't want to be paying that bill! A cheeseburger & fries, a salad, and three helpings of dessert good. Paying this bill will fuck you over more than she ever could!

Then of course, you can do the good ol' "I gotta use the bathroom" and then run away. I'm gonna pretend that I haven't done something like that.
Lads [yes, Laura you're lumped with the fellas], what are your opinions on dating friends? Friends that you know very well for at least a year.
Not a good idea. My friend is dating another one of my female friends and I can't stand the sight of them being together. I have to put on a mask every time we all hang out in order to save the friendship.
I would NEVER do it, I don't shit where I eat ever. Never have and probably never will but never say never. Need more details though, what's going on?