Males and Females

I don't see what's wrong with dating friends, for one you know what they're like and what to expect of them. The only thing that would be extremely weird is if you know that one of your other friends likes them... IMO, it's better to know someone as friends first before you actually start dating them. That way you push all the bullshit aside before getting those little butterflies in your stomach telling you to be shy or coy.

Sure it might be a little awkward if you guys break up, but if you're mature to keep it on a friendship level you should be fine.
Here's a question I always wondered since we're talking about online dating. Say you meet a girl and intend to pay for her, but she turns out to be a loser/ugly/not someone you want to see again. Do you still pay?
You pay because you're a gentleman. You don't lead her on during/after the date because you're a gentleman.

Not a good idea. My friend is dating another one of my female friends and I can't stand the sight of them being together. I have to put on a mask every time we all hang out in order to save the friendship.
I was going to make a joke about Jordan and Guy getting together but then I saw you wrote "female" friend. You ruined my joke. (Sorry bro, that sucks)
I took turns paying with that girl I was with ages ago. I kind of feel an extra sense of superiority over AUG because of that.
I don't see what's wrong with dating friends, for one you know what they're like and what to expect of them. The only thing that would be extremely weird is if you know that one of your other friends likes them... IMO, it's better to know someone as friends first before you actually start dating them. That way you push all the bullshit aside before getting those little butterflies in your stomach telling you to be shy or coy.

Sure it might be a little awkward if you guys break up, but if you're mature to keep it on a friendship level you should be fine.

I think being friends first is a better idea, because if you break up with someone you were never friends with and you genuinely enjoy their company, there's a pretty good chance you'll never get any ounce of that joy ever again (unless you get back together). If you're friends first, then at least there is a foundation upon which you can return to friendship after the relationship. I made the mistake of not being friends first with my exes and now I don't talk to any of them. I tried to be friends with them, but either we did a lot of fighting, or we just had nothing to say to each other because we never knew how to be anything but together.
You guys are nuts. There's no going back when you enter the significant other realm. I've never dated a female friend of mine and hopefully never will. I date outside my circle of friends because 1) it's weird for me personally, 2) it's awkward for the rest of my friends, especially if something bad happens between the two of us, and 3) because I hate my exes on purpose so that I can get over them (Ashley will be thrown into this category before long).
I think being friends first is a better idea, because if you break up with someone you were never friends with and you genuinely enjoy their company, there's a pretty good chance you'll never get any ounce of that joy ever again (unless you get back together). If you're friends first, then at least there is a foundation upon which you can return to friendship after the relationship. I made the mistake of not being friends first with my exes and now I don't talk to any of them. I tried to be friends with them, but either we did a lot of fighting, or we just had nothing to say to each other because we never knew how to be anything but together.

Noooo! This = way too much muddy murkiness in the relationship boundaries and I would hate knowing dating someone within my circle of friends would make the rest of our friends feel uncomfortable.

I should talk though, I'm porking a friend. Wouldn't date him though.
I never fully get over exes until I've gotten with a new one. My most recent ex and I are still friends, and it's working out pretty well. But I'll probably still have lingering feelings for her until the next one comes along. I'll probably be devastated if she gets with someone before I do. This kind of paranoia happened after my first girlfriend, but luckily I won the race that time.

This is how Zephyrus thinks. Be lucky you're not him.

I had an ex of mine invite me to her wedding. Needless to say I didn't go. Fucking bitch. I think she did it to try and make me jealous or something. Well, the joke's on her and her stupid husband. She's a whale now and he's a moron trying to make a living off of pyramid schemes.
I never fully get over exes until I've gotten with a new one. My most recent ex and I are still friends, and it's working out pretty well. But I'll probably still have lingering feelings for her until the next one comes along. I'll probably be devastated if she gets with someone before I do. This kind of paranoia happened after my first girlfriend, but luckily I won the race that time.

This is how Zephyrus thinks. Be lucky you're not him.

Seriously. Relationships do not validate you, or anyone else.
I'm in love. I could look at her facebook profile and maybe add her, but I can't stand the prospect of it saying "in a relationship" or something.

Fuck, I got blasted back to being all shy and awkward by her beauty. I haven't felt like that around a girl for years. I don't know how I have the balls to be sexist when women have such power over me without even doing anything, or just by smiling sweetly.