Males and Females


I was taking the piss. I will readily admit that any advice I give on women is completely worthless.
I don't know if women view me as a non-threatening entity, that was what Krampus said based on my post, but I am not sure how much merit that view has. I feel pretty confident in myself and abilities with the women that I do pursue. *shrug*

Thanks for the feedback nonetheless, and Greys you are an idiot.

Wow I must have really hurt your feelings, sorry! I never said "women," just Syrian chick, who definitely feels comfortable enough around you to jerk you around based on what you wrote.
Wow I must have really hurt your feelings, sorry! I never said "women," just Syrian chick, who definitely feels comfortable enough around you to jerk you around based on what you wrote.

No, you didn't hurt my feelings (I'm not that sensitive), I just was responding to a theme that seemed to be starting that assumed I was acting like some chump around this girl or women in general or some such nonsense (i.e. Jage's advice to man up in so many words). Thanks for your feedback :)
I'm sure you have a fine time with the ladies. Nobody knows you and we are not judging your entire character based on one incident.
*Heavy fucking sigh*

My emotional turmoil is through the roof. Remember the girl I have been pining over who told gave me a solid "no"? Well, I was talking to one of her closest friends today and she told me that the girl talks about how she may want to be with me ad just isn't sure yet and that she is telling me "NO" so as to not get my hopes up. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Ya, I have been dealing with this for a most of this year. I feel lame getting all emotional or whatever here of all places, but I seriously love this girl. I would do anything for her and if there is a chance that this could work I am gonna just keep dealing with it. It sucks and is probably unhealthy, but that is what is happening and is probably going to continue to happen.
so I broke up with my girlfriend today. the girlfriend who said some months ago that she was no longer attracted to me. I had told her a few weeks ago that I wasn't happy with where our relationship was. I talked it over with some of my closest friends. my friend Gina and I had admitted our mutual attraction to each other some time ago, and earlier in the week she said she really wanted to date/possibly have a relationship with me (she had been informed on and helped me through everything else in the meantime).

my girlfriend (now ex I suppose) was totally blindsided. there was a lot of crying on both sides, though I may have cried more. I admitted that most of the problems in the relationship were my fault. I wanted to be alone more than I wanted to be with her. that was a fact, and it really rubbed the wrong way. She loved me more than I loved her. Which isn't to say I didn't love her...I just loved her differently. I also said her negative attitude didn't help things.

In the end, I told her it seemed like we were just two different people looking for different things. I don't know myself very well, nor do I know what I want in life. It was, without a doubt, the most difficult and heartbreaking thing I've done. I kept telling her I felt like such a jackass and felt like I was making the biggest mistake of my life. And I do.

I talked with a couple of friends, my mom and Gina, and all agreed I need to give it a few days to let my head clear, let the emotions die down, and figure out what needs to be done. I'm interested in dating this other girl to see what happens but I don't know. And school starts Monday, so that'll keep me occupied.

hungout with a chick from work today
We were supposed to play Putt Putt, but there were a shit ton of kids right infront of us. So we left. Wasnt anything else to do. So we came back to my house and played with my cats.
I fail, big time.
Ugh. So anyways, there is this girl I'm in love with, but she doesnt want to be in a relationship. We are still good friends and all, but this fucking sucks. She is dating her 15 year old loser friend. Like this is the ultimate "friend zone" bullshit. Like I have been waiting for this girl for like 2 years but she still wont have. It fucking sucks because she is the only girl I have ever had feelings for.

eh, I complain too much.

edit: I sound like a 13 year old girl.
Everyone seems to be posting some serious downer stuff here so I thought I'd brighten it up a bit. I have moved on completely from my last relationship and am now enthusiastically pursuing bandcest with my singer. Things are going swimmingly and we have our third date in a couple of hours (you know what the third date means, right?).

Ya, I have been dealing with this for a most of this year. I feel lame getting all emotional or whatever here of all places, but I seriously love this girl. I would do anything for her and if there is a chance that this could work I am gonna just keep dealing with it. It sucks and is probably unhealthy, but that is what is happening and is probably going to continue to happen.
Dude, you should get away. That said, having been where you are if you do get with her even briefly it will be completely amazing.

thanks guys. I'm feeling a little better after having slept and everything. I'm sure in a few days, I'll feel even better
Good. Based on what you've posted in the past it sounds like you two really weren't meant to be together and it wasn't making either of you happy. If so, you did the right thing, even though it hurts like hell.
The last few pages of this thread have started to convince me to just not look for a girlfriend for a while and kinda do my own thing.

Women are fucking crazy