Males and Females

my girlfriend (now ex I suppose) was totally blindsided. there was a lot of crying on both sides, though I may have cried more. I admitted that most of the problems in the relationship were my fault. I wanted to be alone more than I wanted to be with her. that was a fact, and it really rubbed the wrong way. She loved me more than I loved her. Which isn't to say I didn't love her...I just loved her differently. I also said her negative attitude didn't help things.

In the end, I told her it seemed like we were just two different people looking for different things. I don't know myself very well, nor do I know what I want in life.

Wow, this encompasses a lot of the reasons I broke up with my ex, kind of uncanny actually. On top of these things, she has a lot of work to do on herself (though last time I spoke with her she was doing a lot better in therapy; visual reprogramming to get over the trauma, etc. which I'm proud of her for). It is such a shitty feeling to lose someone you originally felt so perfect with, or perhaps you met them in a very crazy, cosmically-fucked way (like we did) and you both thought you were going to be together forever, etc.

At this point, I'm not going to really look for anyone else. I am just gonna adopt a "come what may" attitude about dating/relationships, because they tend to be a lot of work, and I have a lot of work to do both on myself and school-wise for another year. Perhaps after I graduate I'll solidify what I want and stuff, and a relationship would make more sense.
Heh, I spent well over that on last night, which involved her, as well as several pitchers of beer, destroyer 666, and strippers...but tonight is gonna be pretty cheap, takeout and movies in my room (yes, I set the play up masterfully).
hungout with a chick from work today
We were supposed to play Putt Putt, but there were a shit ton of kids right infront of us. So we left. Wasnt anything else to do. So we came back to my house and played with my cats.
I fail, big time.

Depending on the female you went out with, this could have been horrible failure or supreme victory, to be honest.

The first night I went out with my now fiance, we were going to go to a movie... but missed the beginning by like a half hour... We ended up sitting in my car and just talking for most of the evening.
Evil, Mars, you cannot be helped until you help yourselves - you'll get to a point where you're sick of pining and move on. godspeed.

unknown, e-hugs, but I bet you won't regret it in a week's time and you're just sort of in shock because it's a big life change.

Cythraul, this isn't gorehound girl is it?

WAIF, don't use a c-unit and force her to take a morning after pill! huhuhuhuhuhhnnghh! (I WANT MORE DETAILS)

Krig, playing with cats doesn't necessitate fail. was there chemistry?

I feel like that movie "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" but without Taye Diggs and before she got her groove back. My recent few months of mild depression/feeling shitty constantly are kind of fucking up my relationship.
So this this one azn girl that I like, I only know her as Krampus, but I am really sexually attracted to her. I've never met her, and she lives on the other side of the world as me. What would be the best way for me to bang this girl?
So this this one azn girl that I like, I only know her as Krampus, but I am really sexually attracted to her. I've never met her, and she lives on the other side of the world as me. What would be the best way for me to bang this girl?

Show her your anime collection?
So this this one azn girl that I like, I only know her as Krampus, but I am really sexually attracted to her. I've never met her, and she lives on the other side of the world as me. What would be the best way for me to bang this girl?

She is the alter-ego of a fat middle-aged white American man. If you don't mind hairy dirty butt sex, there you go. Otherwise, save up for gender reassignment surgery.
Depending on the female you went out with, this could have been horrible failure or supreme victory, to be honest.

The first night I went out with my now fiance, we were going to go to a movie... but missed the beginning by like a half hour... We ended up sitting in my car and just talking for most of the evening.

Krig, playing with cats doesn't necessitate fail. was there chemistry?
hell I dont know. Im shit ass terrible at this stuff.
I work with her, so it seems a little different.
I honestly have no clue if she even likes me at all. She is either extremely shy, or she thinks im a moron and hungout with me just because she's too nice. :lol:
Im tempted to just blurt out that I like her. But hell, dunno if that is the smart thing to do.
I usually live by the saying "fuck it, who gives a shit" but for some reason I hold back with girls. Im just a shy bastard.
Don't tell her that you like her, but tell her what you like about her. Then try and gauge her reaction. If she seems genuinely flattered by your compliments, you may have a bite and should try setting the hook (if you will forgive my retarded fishing analogy).