Males and Females

I'm up for cougars. Might even be worth focusing on that age group for dating sites particularly. Don't think it's to my advantage to go telling people i'm a virgin though, it might be more pleasant once i'm actually in bed but it'll lower the odds of getting there in the first place.
I'm becoming annoyed with girls that I'm interested in discriminating against me because of my non-beliefs, especially when the figure "God" is the only difference between them and me in terms of interests, morality, and ethics.
ugh, just had one of the worst experiences in my life. Was doing salvia with this girl in my house when my mom caught us and started bitching. Took her back to her dorm (which generally has a lot of ppl but was empty today, but my dumbass thought it would be safer at my house cuz this crazy bitch has caught me smoking weed before and doesn't say anything) and she asked if I wanted to hang out a little bit more and I said yes but by that point the mood was squashed completely. I wasn't really feeling a connection between us before this incident (known her for about 6 months and she lives in a town about 90 miles away), but if I had my own place....who knows, right? Now I know why I have such trouble getting a fucking girl, I live with a psychotic lunatic mother fucker who still thinks im fucking 12. Where else am I suppose to take a girl so we can be alone? the fucking woods? that's some ridiculous shit. :bah:

@zabu of nod: If you have your own place I don't see what could be so hard about fucking a non-hooker (not even classy escort even though they cost a lot) and just getting a normal girl you meet whether through social circles or a social medium and trying to get her back to your place. I guarantee a little bit of aggressiveness and maybe some alcohol and she'll be more than willing to give it up. However, if you don't have your own place then it seems your stuck in the same boat as me >_> fuck....
I'm becoming annoyed with girls that I'm interested in discriminating against me because of my non-beliefs, especially when the figure "God" is the only difference between them and me in terms of interests, morality, and ethics.

Move out of southern Maryland, then. No one gives a fuck that I'm an atheist here.
Why? Do you want someone to give a fuck?

No. It has nothing to do with me. Read the post I was quoting. If he doesn't want that to happen, he should come to where I live (which isn't in southern Maryland) where people don't care about people being atheists.
It's not really the area that I live in that's the problem, there are lots of atheists around here. It's my fault really, because I'm not looking for sex, so to speak. Since I'm not looking for sex in the short term (obviously I am in the long term), I don't act overtly sexual with girls that I am getting to know. I would rather take sex off of the table for a while until I know that I really care for somebody. If you take this approach with 90% of women, you are in the friend zone. I know how to appeal to the 90% of women that my particular approach does not work for, but taking that route makes me feel like I'm lowering myself and compromising on some of my convictions. So, I go after girls that are also not looking for sex in the short-term, but they all turn out to be very religious. It's a bit of a conundrum that I've worked myself into.
Christ your life sounds a bit grim.

actually, my life is not as sad as i made it out to be, once you get past the whole "i no longer have TV" freaking out thing, walking around with the homeless isn't really so bad, i've got free access to internet to make up for the lack of TV, tons of free food, (yes dallas really does have morbidly obese homeless people) and sleeping outdoors isn't really that bad after you get over the initial "OMG i'm sleeping outdoors!!!"
the number of black homeless people outnumber the white homeless people to such a vast amount that all the white homeless people hang out with each other, we're kinda a tribe, we all know each other and we all help out each other, and they all knew me from before i was in jail and they were all asked why i was in jail and they were all worried when i suddenly unexpectedly dissapeared, and they helped me with stuff like selling my foodstamps and getting me a phone even though i don't have a state id
What was jail like? Did you avoid rape?

Dallas County Jail totally sucks a lot worse than the other county jails
Denton County Jail for example is so much fun that homeless people actually go commit crimes in Denton county just so they can get to go to Denton County Jail, Denton Jail is like being stuck in an awesome hotel, you can't leave but you don't really want to
I got stuck going to Dallas County Jail, which sucks so bad, and takes so much longer to go to court than any other county, that i ended up signing for "time served" just to get out that day instead of "fighting my case" which would have made me stuck in jail for another several months
i didn't have to worry about getting raped becuase i signed "the gay card" so i could get moved to a "homosexual dorm" where all the sex is consensual and everyone is mellow where the straight people don't have to worry about violent gory fistfights happening every 5 min
zabu of nΩd;10237862 said:
I'm up for cougars. Might even be worth focusing on that age group for dating sites particularly. Don't think it's to my advantage to go telling people i'm a virgin though, it might be more pleasant once i'm actually in bed but it'll lower the odds of getting there in the first place.

trust me
if you go out and just tell EVERYONE YOU KNOW that you're a virgin, you'll eventually end up loosing your virginity through the efforts of people actually trying to get you laid, all you have to do is actually ask people for help with loosing your virginity
I'm becoming annoyed with girls that I'm interested in discriminating against me because of my non-beliefs, especially when the figure "God" is the only difference between them and me in terms of interests, morality, and ethics.

the problem you're experiencing is way worse down here in "The Bible Belt"

i know it souds weird but my advice to you is to get some sort of horrendously sacrilegious/blasphemous image/word on the back of your hand and then just date the woman who says "i love your tattoo"

I myself actually have DCLXVI tattooed on the back of my left hand
Where else am I suppose to take a girl so we can be alone?

if it's a girl who's sleeping outside, or in a homeless shelter, you can take her to a cheap motel room that you've rented for one night, she'll have sex with you just so she can be in a motel room for a night
It's not really the area that I live in that's the problem, there are lots of atheists around here. It's my fault really, because I'm not looking for sex, so to speak. Since I'm not looking for sex in the short term (obviously I am in the long term), I don't act overtly sexual with girls that I am getting to know. I would rather take sex off of the table for a while until I know that I really care for somebody. If you take this approach with 90% of women, you are in the friend zone. I know how to appeal to the 90% of women that my particular approach does not work for, but taking that route makes me feel like I'm lowering myself and compromising on some of my convictions. So, I go after girls that are also not looking for sex in the short-term, but they all turn out to be very religious. It's a bit of a conundrum that I've worked myself into.

when a girl meets a new guy, she very quickly, very firmly, and unchangeably decides whether or not she's going to be willing to have sex with him in the first minute or so of meeting him
something you're doing in the first few seconds of meeting a girl is making the girl put you into the category of "guys i'm never going to sleep with in a million years", the problem you're having is that girls feel the need to have male friends, and something you're doing is making each girl still want to be talking to you after she decides she's never going to sleep with you, so trying to "get to know" a girl before deciding whether or not you're going to sleep with her isn't going to work becuase if you wait too long to start trying to get into her pants, she's gonna be confused, she's gonna be like "why didn't he try to fuck me the day he met me?" if you wait too long to tell her she's pretty, then telling her she's pretty will actually make her feel ugly because she'll wonder why you didn't tell her how pretty she was the first day you met her

i'll explain better tommorrow
when a girl meets a new guy, she very quickly, very firmly, and unchangeably decides whether or not she's going to be willing to have sex with him in the first minute or so of meeting him
something you're doing in the first few seconds of meeting a girl is making the girl put you into the category of "guys i'm never going to sleep with in a million years", the problem you're having is that girls feel the need to have male friends, and something you're doing is making each girl still want to be talking to you after she decides she's never going to sleep with you, so trying to "get to know" a girl before deciding whether or not you're going to sleep with her isn't going to work becuase if you wait too long to start trying to get into her pants, she's gonna be confused, she's gonna be like "why didn't he try to fuck me the day he met me?" if you wait too long to tell her she's pretty, then telling her she's pretty will actually make her feel ugly because she'll wonder why you didn't tell her how pretty she was the first day you met her

i'll explain better tommorrow

When I find a girl that I'm interested in, I'm always sure to compliment her on her looks and I try to make it obvious that I'm interested in her. However, I avoid doing the whole "I wanna get up in dat ass" spiel because it has always seemed somewhat barbaric to me. Of course, I would like to "get up in dat ass" but not just for the sake of the act itself. I would much rather have sex with a woman that I care for. I've gone after women just for the sake of having sex but I've found it to be rather empty feeling. I don't like that you have to have sex first, and find out if you like them later. Shouldn't it be the other way around?