Males and Females

So this girl I'm seeing can't cook. It's a bit of a shame really. Ultimately I would like a housewife who makes lovely meals for me every day and looks after the children. This girl wants to be a politician. She is really pretty though, you guys would be impressed, but no pics. It's not that I don't respect or value her intelligence, I just feel a bit intimidated by the prospect of cooking for her, which I've ended up having to promise to do. Oh well, I'll just practice some cool recipe a couple of times before I invite her over.
Women like a man who can cook.
Of course, they also like one with attitudes that have been updated since the 1930s.
Women like a man who can cook, and I think in the West view men who can't cook/do household chores as useless and dependent which ultimately = unattractive.

PP is a much better cook than I am but he hates doing dishes, so I do the dishes and he cooks.
this cigarrette-smoking woman decided to get dressed in the middle of the night, saturday night, using her lighter as a flashlight, coudln't find her panties, put her "low rise" pants back on without underwear, and walked around all day with a short shirt and butt-cleavage showing all day sunday, she didn't want to be by herself so i followed her to eat breakfast here

then lunch here

and the whole time she was walking around showing butt-cleavage
after lunch she went to go pan-handle money to buy beer and only after she left did i realize that i somehow had her underwear in the huge knee-pocket of my cargo-pants, since i didn't know where she went to panhandle, i ended up spending all day yesterday with her underwear in my pocket :loco:

i run into this girl at and i told her "hey, i found your underwear" and she said "don't worry about it just throw them away", i think she was with the guy she was panhandling with and this guy next to her was clearly her new boy toy, and it was kinda weird for me seeing this woman go from having sex with some other guy to having sex with me to having sex with a 3rd guy in 48 hours, but really only because she's clearly not trying to be any kind of hooker/escort/prostitute, she's just being a skanky slut
I really don't cook too much beyond simple stuff but that's because my diet is currently a simple, and very healthy one. I'm not on a raw food diet or anything, but I find it absolutely unnecessary to cook anything elaborate (or anything that would prove to be detrimental to my diet) when a simple, healthy meal can suffice just fine.

I've never really understood this wah, I need someone who can cook for me attitude that most people seem to have. Make your own damn meals!
what a charming, cultured lady monoxide_child has. i bet she has anal panhandling orgies in the backrooms of churches
I really don't cook too much beyond simple stuff but that's because my diet is currently a simple, and very healthy one. I'm not on a raw food diet or anything, but I find it absolutely unnecessary to cook anything elaborate (or anything that would prove to be detrimental to my diet) when a simple, healthy meal can suffice just fine.

I've never really understood this wah, I need someone who can cook for me attitude that most people seem to have. Make your own damn meals!

I think it's the idea of "if I lose my fingers, my loved one can still keep me fed" more than anything.

My diet is probably similar to yours, 90% of my grocery list is vegetables/raw meat/whole fruit, but it's still nice to have someone else make you stuff out of those ingredients every once in a while.
My only incentive to put any effort into cooking is to please others. I like being the "one that cooks" in a relationship. Makes me feel useful.
It's expensive and makes the kitchen a mess. It's not something I think about unless it serves a social function. That's my view on food in general.
Cooking is a cow because I live alone, so if I buy lots of ingredients, especially vegetables, I have to use them all within a few days, so I end up having sodding stews that last for days. That's on the rare occasion that I bother to cook properly though.