Males and Females

All females are bisexual. The straight ones just haven't been exposed to the right pair of boobs yet.
we now require pics of WAIF's metal girl.

and of the MFF threesome when it occurs (of the participants at least).
HamburgerBoy would probably fap all over pics of WAIF. WAIF is probably the most good looking UM member, if I ever have a special occasion that I need a date for and MP is busy I'm totally renting him so I can be accompanied by this handsome 30 year old who is actually a teenager.

False Joe - do you want more? sounds kinda perfect to me. emotional companionship and some physical stuff without the drama and complications of sex.

Other Joe - Just go with the flow. Do you feel "right" about things or is it an "oh shit this is going too fast" feeling? There really is no "right" or "wrong" pace but at the rate you're going you'll be engaged by graduation... O_O
Ya I've got some words of advice, find out what she's looking for in terms of a relationship. At the rate you're going you'll be divorced, middle aged, and balding with two teenage kids this time next week.

My initial reaction. Christ. But every relationship varies. If it feels right to you, awesome. If you feel like it needs to slow down, then you better tell her you want to slow things down.

I'm going on a date Sunday with a female friend. We've both been attracted to each other for a while, and she told me not too long ago she'd be interested in pursuing a relationship with me. We'll see how it goes. Meanwhile, I'm supposed to talk to the ex on Friday. We've been emailing and texting and whatever, so at least we're still communicating.
I never understood the point in keeping in contact with an ex. To this day, I do not, and for the most part have not, spoken a word to any of my former girlfriends. I mean, what would I talk about? The very reason I even communicated/interacted with that person doesn't exist anymore, so I don't think there's any point to continue to be "friends" with an ex.

The reason I say all this is because your comment, "at least we're still communicating." Why do you say at least?
It's good to be on civil terms with exes, but hanging out frequently soon after a breakup just drags it out in my experience.

Good luck on your date unknown!

I hate my wandering eye. I accept it's always going to be there but it gets really irritating every year around early fall. I have horrible commitment issues (kept internal).
There are pics from the D666 show but they're on my friend's camera and she no longer has a laptop so I have no idea when she'll finally send them.
I never understood the point in keeping in contact with an ex. To this day, I do not, and for the most part have not, spoken a word to any of my former girlfriends. I mean, what would I talk about? The very reason I even communicated/interacted with that person doesn't exist anymore, so I don't think there's any point to continue to be "friends" with an ex.

The reason I say all this is because your comment, "at least we're still communicating." Why do you say at least?

I keep in contact with one, occasionally, but we were friends before we dated so that's kind of more of a unique case. As a general rule I agree though.
The reason I say all this is because your comment, "at least we're still communicating." Why do you say at least?

like krampus, I think it's a good idea to remain civil among your exes. I'm not best friends with any of my exes, but I'm on good terms with them. And it is a good thing my ex and I are still talking since last night she texted me saying she had been thinking of hurting herself lately :erk: so I went over to her place and sat with her for a couple of hours. she said she feels lonely and like nobody cares and just seems overwhelmed by work and school and bills and everything, so I tried to reassure and console her

So I went out with Syria girl again, this time no bullshit. We went to the stag shop, which was great for flirting and keeping the physical aspect fresh, she also bought me something there...
Dinner was kind of terrible, had to send it back, but at least the complaint got a discount. We then saw a movie which she really liked, and when I dropped her off it ended with kisses (she worked early the next day). She was really grilling me on when I'll be back in town but all I could say is that I will look her up when I am back, and that she should come visit me in Toronto. From what I can tell, all signs point to she's into me in a 'more than friends' kind of way, it's too bad the timing of all this is so bad.
Syria girl? As in you met her in Syria, or what?

Sorry if you already explained this in a previous post; I've been out of the loop a bit.
She is from Syria and has been in Canada for about 2 years now. I met her at work (though I don't work there anymore) and we have gone out a few times. I am now moving to Toronto (she and I are in Kitchener-Waterloo right now, about an hour west of Toronto) to pursue a career in Publishing, which is what I mean that the timing is bad for all of this to come to fruition now.
Death Aflame: good stuff.
That's the thing, I don't really want more.

I got a pretty good deal going, fucking it up with fucking would be a bit pointless.

So are you just living in a state of perpetual blue-balls, or do you wank six times daily?

The thought has crossed my mind that I may not need to jerk off for a very long time. Met the GF's parents; successfully suppressed the urge to say something along the lines of "not five hours ago I reamed your daughter from behind till she came all over my bed."