Males and Females

do you take enemas, i love watching girls take enemas, especially when they fart the water out loud and hard
do you take enemas, i love watching girls take enemas, especially when they fart the water out loud and hard

You think all the food she eats and all the buttsex she has would be able to shit.
So yeah, I've had a few beers in me, so I'm probably going to look back at this and just lawl my ass off, but whatever.

I work with a lot of really attractive girls at a local family-owned grocery store, and there are 2 girls (roughly my age) that I really like. I not only enjoy working with them, but I enjoy the idea of spending time with them outside of work. I see one of them at school in between breaks and she always wants me to sit with her on her break between classes so she has someone to talk to. We talk outside of work often and I consider her a great friend. She isn't currently dating anyone (which is pretty damn surprising considering she is so god damn fucking hot), and she is completely and totally fucking out of my league, but whatever.

This other girl I work with is strange. She is always smiling and laughing at whatever I say/do it seems. I really enjoy working with her, and I love talking to her about stupid fucking shit. She, as well a the other girl, is beyong attractive and extremely fucking hot. Both of them are beyond what I should be looking for in women.

I have no idea why they even enjoy talking to me considering we don't have much in common. None of them are into metal or any of the other things that I like to do. This is the main reason why I haven't even bothered to persue a relationsip with any of these girls. I've always felt that there needs to be something more in a relationship then physical attraction (which clearly boggles my mind at why they would even DREAM of finding me attractive. I'm clearly not nearly on the same level as the type of Guy's these girls could get).

Eh, I don't even really know what I am trying to ask for. I'm just curious to what I should to do initiate a date with one (or both) of said girls.

Krampus, I need your help!
They probably don't want to date you bro. A chick being nice to you (or anyone for that matter) =/= mean they're into you. Unless they are doing obvious flirtatious things like the eye bat, the hair flip, etc., they are probably just looking to be friends. Yeah I know those tells are cliche, but they're cliche for a reason, because they're true.

I'm saying this because I don't want you think think that just because a chick is nice to you that means you should start falling in love with her and start freaking out (which is what you are doing now) about whether they are into you or not and what you should do.

Believe it or not, chicks actually think they can have guys as friends and there not be any tension there as far as attraction goes, which as I've said for years, is just ignorant.

edit: If these broads are as smoking as you say they are, I have a question. Do you dress like a typical metalhead and have long hair? Because if you do, you're chances of dating one of these chicks just took a huge nosedive.

/keepin it real
Yeah, that post was mainly meant for the lulz, but I'm not looking for any serious relationship with any of these girls. I actually really enjoy the relationship that I have currently with them. Having some female friends is a great.

I really just want to fuck some random drunk chick.
she is completely and totally fucking out of my league, but whatever.

Both of them are beyond what I should be looking for in women.

Stop saying things like that. Seriously, stop. It's perfectly okay to be realistic about stuff, but it is not okay to have a self-defeating attitude. You know, if you are funny and cool to hang around that can really go a long way even if you think you're not some kind of stud. Seriously, I don't know why guys say stuff like this. It is sad.