Anyways, we got drunk together and the night ended with us making out and falling asleep cuddling each other. This morning I woke up with her snuggled up on me and I have to say that it was an incomparable feeling. We had breakfast and then cuddled up and laid with each other for a couple of hours before she left to go home. I'm definitely going to try and pursue a relationship with her, though the previous experiences with this have not worked out. I blame my not manning up for that. I'm worried that I am looking at this wrong though. After all, this time we were drunk when this happened. I'm not sure though. What do you guys think? Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I think you stand a pretty good chance of something nice happening here. Drunk making out and then regretting it is one thing, but waking up with someone and cuddling with them is pretty much infallibly an "I like you" sign.
I liked you a lot from the 5 seconds I met you at MDF, you're adorable, she's an idiot if she doesn't pursue a relationship with you no doubt.