Tyrants and Slaves
Does anyone else here have dreams where you're about to do the deed with an ex-girlfriend but then either you wake up or something happens that prevents it? Or am I just suffering from satyriasis?
Post by krampus 08:09:09 - 11:04 clock
dear girls, I was already 3 times here in the forum and am happy to be in the moment in the ss forum! but after I already 3 fg's behind me now and now at my 4th pregnancy in the 8th almost 9th week and I'm really ready to do it again with the fear of losing what I wanted to ask you: - had been the fg's always in the 5-7. week. never had heart activity. had received more bleeding. I'm now more than ever, I wonder what are signs this time it would be? bleeding? ss are signs reduce it? can anyone help me? thank you! lg K!
Does anyone else here have dreams where you're about to do the deed with an ex-girlfriend but then either you wake up or something happens that prevents it?
Social interactions with women are too freakin complicated.
yea and you would probably seal the deal too. the moment i start going in that direction they're like (in female robot voice) automatic shutdown sequence initiatedAUG I would have asked for her number.
No. We just have insufficient information due to miscommunication and we overanalyze it.
So ya, I'm talking to this girl after class today, I ask her what she's up to after class and whatnot, just kind of shooting the shit. Her response is, "Well me and my boyfriend are going to the mall then to eat." I didn't know she had a boyfriend. I respond with a poker face by saying, "Oh, that's cool. Laters."
wtf I had been hitting on her for days too.
Of course she was, otherwise I wouldn't have been hitting on her for days.
Oh boo hoo like you've never flirted while not single!