Males and Females

Yeah, except your idea of throwing shit back is reminiscent of a pubescent 13 year old.

If he needed to be an asshole, he should have said "who is this?" and if she responded with her name he should have said "I don't remember you." If she says "the girl from last night," he should have said "which one?"
I think the pussy thing would hurt a girl's feelings if she was like, college aged and new to the dating game maybe? I dunno.

I don't even try to be polite any more. If I go out and get hit on, I'll just be like "stop talking to me" and walk away.
Being rejected is really not a big fucking deal. Anyone who gets upset over someone not being into them has serious fucking issues.
How did you guys skip of this glorious post?

If he did not look like he eats mcdonalds 3 times a day she might alteast sucked his dick.

But Jesus, some information on this girl. We actually met the night before at a club, she came up to me to tell about some "metal pubs" in Oxford, and I then proceeded to ask her out the next day via phone. We hung out at one of these metal pubs, but we both left at different times. She wasn't just a random girl I met, this was a scheduled get together.
I would have text her back "I can smell your pussy from here" haha

You know, everything mentioned about this girl actually marks quite high in the positive category for me. So she backed out of laying with the beast, so what? She was completely honest about it upon making her decision and was far from harsh or cruel in her methods.

Who knows, maybe she did like him, and decided for that reason it wouldn't be a good call to go through with it.

You come off rather bitter and defeated man.