Shut the fuck up and die a fiery death.
saw a perfect example of it when my roommate was watching judge judy a few days ago
someone's suing someone else, the bailif hands judy a piece of paper, and she's decided to make her ruling SOLELY based on the content of what's written on the paper, it gets to a point where you're totally expecting her to quickly read the paper, make her ruling and move on to the next case in 20 seconds, but instead of that, she spends 20 minutes explaining exactly why the paper she's holding is the most important piece of evidence in the case, it was totally just another crazy example of how judy as a female was doing way way more talking than a guy judge would have done
Morning sex the past two days. She said she wanted equal opportunity sex with us each cumming once. I got her up to 5. Oops
zabu of nΩd;10388205 said:See, that's a much better story than one about taking a shit, as i'm sure you'd agree. Let's keep this coming.
zabu of nΩd;10388205 said:See, that's a much better story than one about taking a shit, as i'm sure you'd agree. Let's keep this coming.
Morning sex the past two days. She said she wanted equal opportunity sex with us each cumming once. I got her up to 5. Oops
What if he was taking a shit WHILE plowing his woman though?
You're killing it!
One of PP's friends refers to mutual O as "seeing the unicorn" which I find sad because that shouldn't really be as rare as seeing a unicorn!
One of PP's friends refers to mutual O as "seeing the unicorn" which I find sad because that shouldn't really be as rare as seeing a unicorn!