Males and Females

People inevitably get less and less interesting to each other over time. If she's gotten all the "novelty" she can out of you by now, she would need to decide whether she's ready to just stick with someone long-term or whether she wants to continue being a little girl and require a relationship to be "interesting" in order for it to "work".

I'd try to figure that out if i were you, but if you can't, you'd better be comfortable investing more time into tedious "fun" to appease her.
Hate to say it, but your relationship's generally doomed if you have to consciously plan how to keep it working.
So something was on my woman's mind last night and I asked if she wanted to talk about it. Well, it turned into a 45 minute conversation about how she's not necessarily unhappy, but she's disappointed in how I don't really plan on doing fun shit and I just want to sit around and do nothing every weekend. She also mentioned how we kinda rushed into the relationship, but she was never explicit that she regrets it. Now, I love going and doing shit with her, but I just don't really feel like planning shit half the time. She did compliment me on the fact that I'm supportive and that I'm respectful of her (I don't ask for pics of her tits and shit). She also misses the fact that we used to have in depth conversations about interesting shit when we first started dating and we don't really do that anymore. Because of this, we're going to start setting aside time during the weekends to just chat about stuff. We're not allowed to talk about work, our parents or bitch about anything unless it's relevant to the conversation or topic at hand.

I'm really afraid I'm going to lose this girl and I really like her, like, a lot. Pretty sure I'd be heartbroken if I lost her and I would revert back to drinking myself stupid every weekend if I lost her.

I don't know. Maybe this is one of those times where I need to figure out if I really want a relationship or what. It seems like everything backfires for me when it comes to women. Maybe I just get to comfortable and take everything for granted? People say I'm too smart for my own good when it comes to women and that makes it hard for me to nab a woman?

I'm just rambling at this point.

Do stuff instead of sitting about. I've found that doing things can be good. Especially on the weekend. Sitting about time is post-work during the week. If you're just sitting about all weekend it's no wonder she's bored.
zabu of nΩd;10407675 said:
People inevitably get less and less interesting to each other over time. If she's gotten all the "novelty" she can out of you by now, she would need to decide whether she's ready to just stick with someone long-term or whether she wants to continue being a little girl and require a relationship to be "interesting" in order for it to "work".

I'd try to figure that out if i were you, but if you can't, you'd better be comfortable investing more time into tedious "fun" to appease her.

I'll cut you some slack since you're you, but this is setting the bar absurdly low. Of COURSE a relationship should be "interesting" in order to "work" - I seriously, seriously pity people who don't think that should be a requirement.

Ozzman - quick, devise a plan of attack and surprise her with something spontaneous, even if it's something as gay as packing a picnic and watching airplanes at the airport. Fun and spontaneous doesn't have to = spending lots of money. There's a reason long-term couples have "date nights" and shit like that.
So something was on my woman's mind last night and I asked if she wanted to talk about it. Well, it turned into a 45 minute conversation about how she's not necessarily unhappy, but she's disappointed in how I don't really plan on doing fun shit and I just want to sit around and do nothing every weekend. She also mentioned how we kinda rushed into the relationship, but she was never explicit that she regrets it. Now, I love going and doing shit with her, but I just don't really feel like planning shit half the time. She did compliment me on the fact that I'm supportive and that I'm respectful of her (I don't ask for pics of her tits and shit). She also misses the fact that we used to have in depth conversations about interesting shit when we first started dating and we don't really do that anymore. Because of this, we're going to start setting aside time during the weekends to just chat about stuff. We're not allowed to talk about work, our parents or bitch about anything unless it's relevant to the conversation or topic at hand.

I'm really afraid I'm going to lose this girl and I really like her, like, a lot. Pretty sure I'd be heartbroken if I lost her and I would revert back to drinking myself stupid every weekend if I lost her.

I don't know. Maybe this is one of those times where I need to figure out if I really want a relationship or what. It seems like everything backfires for me when it comes to women. Maybe I just get to comfortable and take everything for granted? People say I'm too smart for my own good when it comes to women and that makes it hard for me to nab a woman?

I'm just rambling at this point.

That's what it sounds like to me. You're acting like an old married couple. How old are the two of you? She probably doesn't want to be treated like an old wife if she's still young.

You should take her on a weekend getaway, even if it's somewhere close by. Vacations always recharge a relationship and vacation sex is the best.
She did compliment me on the fact that I'm supportive and that I'm respectful of her (I don't ask for pics of her tits and shit).


Maybe I just get to comfortable and take everything for granted?

ding ding ding!

Try harder. Woman hate stagnation, complacency, laziness etc. Once you got comfortable she lit the wick and now it's time for you to stomp that motherfucka out, gear up and sabotage her ass (ya know, surprise her w flowers, go out and get "crazy" & tell her you're thinking about joining the gym.)
Hate to say it, but your relationship's generally doomed if you have to consciously plan how to keep it working.

i totally agree with this
the 2 of you are just not a good fit
if she can't get to the point where she can spend every day cuddling with you while watching TV, then she needs to go find a herself a guy that's not your personality type
there are alot of males out there that don't even own a TV set because they're only in their house to sleep, you're girlfriend need to break up with you and date one those guys
you need to go out and find a a bunch of girls that are totally addicted watching television, and date the one that watches the same TV shows that you like
Try harder. Women hate stagnation, complacency, laziness etc. Once you got comfortable she lit the wick and now it's time for you to stomp that motherfucka out, gear up and sabotage her ass (ya know, surprise her w flowers, go out and get "crazy" & tell her you're thinking about joining the gym.)

I think men hate this too generally. People don't like being bored.
People don't like being bored.

ofcourse, people don't like being bored, but here's the thing

when you're in a relationship, the girl's gonna get all exited about specific things that are boring to a guy (like making "shopping" turn into an all-day event)

and then the guy will get all exited about specific things that the girl will find boring as hell (The Super Bowl, NASCAR)

this is why straight girls sometimes "try to make a gay guy turn straight"

and why men watch The Super Bowl in large groups
zabu of nΩd;10407675 said:
People inevitably get less and less interesting to each other over time. If she's gotten all the "novelty" she can out of you by now, she would need to decide whether she's ready to just stick with someone long-term or whether she wants to continue being a little girl and require a relationship to be "interesting" in order for it to "work".

I'd try to figure that out if i were you, but if you can't, you'd better be comfortable investing more time into tedious "fun" to appease her.

I concur.
zabu of nΩd;10407675 said:
People inevitably get less and less interesting to each other over time. If she's gotten all the "novelty" she can out of you by now, she would need to decide whether she's ready to just stick with someone long-term or whether she wants to continue being a little girl and require a relationship to be "interesting" in order for it to "work".

I'd try to figure that out if i were you, but if you can't, you'd better be comfortable investing more time into tedious "fun" to appease her.

I concur.

I wouldn't say the activities we do are tedious. Most of them are very enjoyable. I just prefer to veg out on the weekends is all.

Hate to say it, but your relationship's generally doomed if you have to consciously plan how to keep it working.


Do stuff instead of sitting about. I've found that doing things can be good. Especially on the weekend. Sitting about time is post-work during the week. If you're just sitting about all weekend it's no wonder she's bored.

Doing stuff is good, but sitting around is pretty awesome too. When I was single I pretty much sat around on the weekends when I wasn't drinking or studying

That's what it sounds like to me. You're acting like an old married couple. How old are the two of you? She probably doesn't want to be treated like an old wife if she's still young.

You should take her on a weekend getaway, even if it's somewhere close by. Vacations always recharge a relationship and vacation sex is the best.

I'm 28 and she's 30. Her rationale is that she wants to remember doing shit in her life and not reminiscing about watching television shows. She wants to make sure her life isn't 'wasted' by sitting around doing nothing. I can appreciate this, but there are definitely times when all I would like to do is do absolutely nothing but watch TV or read.
Ozzman, one thing about any real relationship is that is takes work. Relationships are like a job, in a sense. You both have to work at it for it to stay valid and interesting. Now, having said that, every relationship is also different and relative to those two people. If you know what your lady likes and is into, then you should make an effort to do those things with frequency. She should be prepared to do the same for you.
I'm 28 and she's 30. Her rationale is that she wants to remember doing shit in her life and not reminiscing about watching television shows. She wants to make sure her life isn't 'wasted' by sitting around doing nothing. I can appreciate this, but there are definitely times when all I would like to do is do absolutely nothing but watch TV or read.

That thought can be appreciated, but nonetheless she needs to realize that one, your desires need to be sated as well, two that only a certain percentage of time can reasonably be expected to be put towards such activities on many levels, financial responsibility being one of them. Three, in the long run its impossible to keep such up on a frequent level. So long as you're not retreating from events she proposes frequently she really shouldn't have room to complain.
I fucking hate television. I would leave a girl if she just wanted me to sit and watch Eastenders with me.