Males and Females

I feel like Aug is less qualified than pretty much anyone else on this forum to give advice on women, given that his prowess is limited to picking up hookers and convincing himself they really care about him.
went on a date last night with my friend Gina. It went really well. We went to the Museum of Jurassic Technology which is a really oddball unique museum in Culver City. After that we caught the free classical music show at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). We still had time to kill, so we walked through a few of the buildings and looked at the art. By this time it was 8pm and where we were going for dinner opened at 7pm but the music wouldn't start til 930pm.

So we head out and I took her to The Baked Potato near Universal Studios, tiny jazz restaurant bar that serves 20 varieties of the baked potato. It's a really cool place. The band was really good.

She had a great time and we kissed at the end of the night :oops: so it was good and we're gonna go out again Friday night

*moving out of the friend zone*

Haha holy shit, I've been to that museum (the Museum of Jurassic Technology) too, cool stuff. My mom/stepdad used to live within walking distance of the place.
What if I like hanging out with a friend because she is a good friend and she happens to be a hot girl? I suddenly am totally loserish? Fuck that.

I guess that means you are in the tiny minority: dudes who can be friends with hot chicks without turning into drooling retards because of her looks.

Aug has SPOKEN!
Last night I at a friends house drinking and talking with them and I realised the problems I have, socially I mean, that will put a riot shield in front of any pussy I get near.

I'm really ridiculously insensitive because I don't expect people to be offended. Also, I don't really do small talk. I can't dance and I don't give a fuck about pop culture. So I have to change these things and be a loser who dances, talks about the weather with randomers and worries about the feelings of people who casually offend each other as a joke anyway.

Fucking shit.
reading all the sob stories in this thread i was compelled to write this..

never put women on pedestals. they are ALL just flesh, blood and cunts, even the most beautiful and gorgeous ones. never let women make you feel inferior/inadequate/"undeserving" of them. that is a lie and total bullshit.

a platonic relationship with a hot woman sucks, and you must learn to shut down those pathetic emotions associated with it, and preferably get the fuck out of it. if all else fails and it's truly impossible to screw her, then you must:

- stop or minimize seeing her. avoid her, but not to an abnormal extent. just dont actively seek her out.

if the above is impossible cuz you work or study together, then:
- act more badass. stop being the friendly/funny self-deprecating loser guy.
- sever the emotional need. you dont need her stupid companionship, and her personality is worthless to you because you cant fuck a personality.
- act like you dont give a shit about her (cool and most). this will be hard at first but be strong, keep at it, and soon you yourself will believe this and truly stop giving a shit; you'll feel much better and relieved.

- the last and most important step: find a woman of equal or greater hotness and fuck the hell out of her. no matter the means, cost or circumstances (deceit, subterfuge, impersonation, personal favors, monetary incentive). except rape, that is no fun and a boner-kill.

this is cliche but absolute truth: there are other fish in the sea. millions and millions of goddamn fish prettier than that one fucking fish. never put yourself in a position of weakness beneath some motherfucking fish.

- a decent job is definitely an asset

What a shallow, superficial shit bag.
Last night I at a friends house drinking and talking with them and I realised the problems I have, socially I mean, that will put a riot shield in front of any pussy I get near.

I'm really ridiculously insensitive because I don't expect people to be offended. Also, I don't really do small talk. I can't dance and I don't give a fuck about pop culture. So I have to change these things and be a loser who dances, talks about the weather with randomers and worries about the feelings of people who casually offend each other as a joke anyway.

Fucking shit.

Being rude and unconventional > being fake for the sake of trying to woo girls. You're better off just finding someone who likes you the way you are, as corny as that sounds. Besides you're only what, 19 or something and you have been living in Kenya - as if life were an evening out, "the night is young!"

I don't think aug is joking either, but I also know he wouldn't be as hilarious if he were.
Dear JAGE,

Please get one of these:


And shut the fuck up already.

I can see the funny thing in it but there is this large Swedish forum which hundreds of people with exactly the same opinions as aug posts and atleast they are dead serious so I've grown kinda tired to read that same shit over and over again. :)