My story so far.
Since starting work, my social life has been pretty on and off until recently where it kinda got a bit of a boost when I bumped into a bunch of friends that I hadn't seen in ages. Sure, I haven't had a steady run for sex but I've been enjoying the single life, indulging in a fairly hedonistic lifestyle.
Either way, a girl (let's call her M) that disappeared off overseas after high school recently came back to Perth and we managed to catch up. We never really spoke in high school, but there was always a mutual respect for each other (not to mention, she's really pretty and has an AMAZING singing voice, massive turn on

). I start noticing indicators of interest from her while we get to know each other. One day, M invited a whole lot of us out for a catch up session where I also bumped into a girl I used to date a decade ago (let's call her C), who has a 6 year old kid (not mine). Anyway, I went home with C that night... Silly I know.
M and I get to know each other a little bit more over time while with friends (C doesn't come along because she isn't close with them), and also alone with each other. While this happens, I get the feeling that M is wary of my extremely flirty nature, while I learn that she also has feelings for another guy. The next night, we go out clubbing, I managed to make out with M, nothing more. M tells me she was surprised but it felt very pleasant.
Now, I know I can really play my cards right and get into a relationship with her, because I do really like her, but I know she would be very wary about getting into one with me. At the same time, I'm pretty content with being a selfish single guy with the world at my finger tips, but I do somehow get lonely because I live alone and I get kinda fed up with coming home to a cold bed every night.
TL: DR version:
I like M and I think M likes me but is paranoid because she knows I slept with C and I flirt with any girl that's above average in looks. And I can't decide if I want to be with someone or not.